Culture and Moral Judgment: How Are Conflicts Between Justice and Interpersonal Responsibilities Resolved? A 2-session study examined Indian and American adults' and children's (N = 140) reasoning about moral dilemmas involving conflicts between interpersonal an... JG Miller,DM Bersoff - 《J Pers...
Guanay, Bolivia Picture yourself at 15,000 feet in the Andes, looking out across the high plain...Parris, Matthew
[p.93] -- since surveys involving moral judgment can vary by culture, let alone by philosopher (as we know already). However, for the reliability of "intuitions," Edmonds need go no further thanSocrates. The answers people give to the questions asked by Socrates are almost always defective...
(1993)The Cool Pose: The Dilemma of Black Manhood in America.New York: Simon & Schuster. Anderson, E. (1999)The Code of the Street: Decency,Violence and the Moral Life of the Inner City.New York: W.W. Norton. Google Scholar Loury, G.C. (1995) “The End of Relativism,”The ...
General ethical dilemma 3. When you find yourself in an ethical dilemma, your main decision-making principle is: The golden mean (not too much, not too little). (virtue ethics) The greatest good for the greatest number of people. (utilitarianism) ...
Moral cognition can be considered as a subset of social cognition that focuses on the study of behavior involving moral values, which are rules that define what is good or bad within a society. From: Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2022 ...
Despite their potential to improve road safety, the testing of AVs on public roads could put unwitting drivers at risk. This highlights themoral dilemmathat carmakers, regulators, and the public face: Does AV regulation create safer roads for people, or will it slow the adoption of driverless ...
These two ethical schools of thought, therefore, provide some rationale for moral judgments. However, when there is no clear moral judgment, one is faced with a dilemma. In medicine, moral dilemmas arise in those situations that raise fundamental questions about right and wrong in the treatment ...
Participants evaluated three trolley-dilemma type vignettes in random order, with the agent shown on the left side of the dilemma (see Appendix for examples). Participants indicated below each vignette how moral they found the agent’s decision to be on a Likert scale from 1 (“Very Immoral”...
Moral problems in business activities mostly arise in the form of an ethical dilemma as well as often being concealed in their nature to decision makers themselves; rarely do moral issues arise as being clearly “black or wihite” but rather presenting contexts where the moral choice to be ...