The Moral Intelligence of Children 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 The Pulitzer Prize-winning author of the bestselling The Spiritual Life of Children now explores how to develop character in children, from infancy through the teenage years. During three stages in the "moral archaeology of chi...
Sophia F. Ongley, Marta Nola, Tina Malti Frontiers in Psychology . 2014,第4期 机译:儿童的奉献:捐赠行为发展中的道德推理和道德情感 4. The Role of Mother-Child Secure Attachment and Mother Parenting Styles Toward Social, Emotional and Moral Development in Children Aged 5-6 Years Old [C] ...
Contemporary theories have generally focused on either the behavioral, cognitive or emotional dimensions of prosocial moral development. In this volume, these three dimensions are brought together while providing the first comprehensive account of prosocial moral development in children. The main concept is...
Interpretationofmoraldevelopmentinchildrenacutesliteratureanew 第31卷第5期 2012年1O月 南昌工程学院学报 JournalofNanehmlgInstituteofTechnology V01.3lNO.5 Oct.2012 文章编号:1674—0076(2012)05—0097—03 儿童文学中的儿童道德成长解读 ——以《杨柳风》为例 程郁 (南昌工程学院外国语言文学系,江西南昌330099)...
Similar to normally developing children, children with autism performed appropriately to story type, that is they judged naughty acts as naughty and nice acts as nice. Moreover, the distinction between moral and conventional rules and violations is considered critical in moral development15: Moral ...
ChildrenInterpersonal RelationshipMoral DevelopmentSexual AbuseVictims of CrimeStudies the strategies that 41 perpetrators of child abuse used to insure that the victim remained silent. Results indicate that the perpetrators altered their strategies to coincide with the developmental level of the child. (...
and villages, teaching in mixed classes on student learning is affected, and the impact that such classes are the objectives of primary education Identify and recognize the impact of educational facilities on the complex character and moral development of students, including components of this research...
Drawing on and extending the work of Jean Piaget into the realm of sociomoral development, this book argues that constructivist education must involve more than the special activities with which it is commonly associated. Planning must also include provision for children's social and moral development...
In this volume, these three dimensions are brought together while providing the first comprehensive account of prosocial moral development in children. The main concept is empathy - one feels what is appropriate for another person's situation, not one's own. Hoffman discusses empathy's role in ...
Social conflict and the development of children's moral and conventional concepts. New Directions in Child Development, 29, 55-70.Nucci, L. (1985). Social conflict and the development of children's moral and conventional concepts. New Directions for Child Development, 29, 55-70....