Moradabad railway station is located in Moradabad district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh and serves Moradabad, which is known for its brassware industries.Katghar railway station Railway station Katghar Railway Station is located in Moradabad city of Uttar Pradesh.Moradabad...
Ali ZA. Folk veterinary medicine in Moradabad District Uttar Pradesh, India. Fitoterapia 1999; 70(4): 340-347.Ali ZA, Folk veterinary medicine in Moradabad district (Uttar Pradesh), India, Fitoterapia, 70(1999)340-347.Ali ZA. Folk veterinary medicine in Moradabad district,Uttar Pradesh, India...
印度 区划名称 1: Uttar Pradesh 区划代码 1: UP 区划名称 2: Moradabad 点击这里购买印度 邮政编码数据库 ‹ 上一页:Mirzapur,Uttar Pradesh 下一页 ›:Muzaffarnagar,Uttar Pradesh 区划名称 2位置名称邮政编码 MoradabadBahjoi202410 MoradabadChandousi R S202412 ...
(Placename) a city in N India, in N Uttar Pradesh. Pop: 641 240 (2001) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Moradabad is a city in Uttar Pradesh state of India. It was established in 1600 A.D. by Murad, the son of the Mughal Emperor Shahjahan and hence the city came to known as Moradabad. The administrative headquarters of Moradabad District, Moradabad is situated at a distance of 167 km from...
Moradabad district in Uttar Pradesh reported the highest number of paralytic polio cases in India during 2001-2007. We conducted a study in Moradabad in 2007 to assess seroprevalence against poliovirus types 1, 2, and 3 in children 6-12 and 36-59 months of age to guide future strategies to...
Bachpan…A Play School Address:Bachpan…A Play School, Gumthal Road, Agra – Moradabad Highway, Near Fire Brigade Station, Opposite Asa Ram Bapu Ashram, District Moradabad, Bhram Bazaar, Chandausi, Uttar Pradesh 244412 Bachpan…A Play School Contact Number:05921 256 311 ...
The study was conducted in l\\/loradabad district of Uttar Pradesh in India. Analysis of primary data from 14 landless laborers, 44 marginal farmers, 18 small farmers, 14 medium farmers and 10 large farmers revealed that milk production is positively associated with the size of holding. Total...
A Survey of useful Aquatic Angiosperms of Moradabad District in Uttar Pradesh, IndiaUseful Aquatic AngiospermsMoradabadThe present investigation of the aquatic angiosperms growing throughout the Moradabad district was carried out. A total of 41 species under 37 genera beloning to 25 families were ...
This paper aimed to document the diversity of polypetalous plant species along with their vernacular names, habit, habitat, and their occurrence found in Moradabad district of Uttar Pradesh in India. This study is first of its kind conducted in the district showing current status of these plants...