varmoq =newMock<IDataBaseContext<MyDto>>; moq.Setup(a => a.GetElementById(It.Is<string>(t => t.Trim =="9527"))).Returns(newMyDto { Name ="sto", Age =24}); MyBll bll =newMyBll(moq.Object); boolisVip = bll.IsVip("9527"); Assert.True(isVip); } 以上测试通过. MOCk.Of ...
这里其实主要用到了 新建moq对象的setup方法,我们可以在setup里设置方法,属性的值. [Test]publicvoidShouldReturn_A_Collection_Of_Dtos(){varmoq =newMock<IDataBaseContext<MyDto>>(); moq.Setup(a => a.GetAll()).Returns(newList<MyDto> {newMyDto{Name="baidu",Age=15},newMyDto{Name="sto",Age=...
Multiple Moq It.Is <string>()匹配参数 Moq根据参数返回值 使用多个参数的Moq ReturnsAsync 在Moq中模拟lambda参数 MOQ-使用Func参数设置和验证泛型方法 如何使用LINQ设置Select中的参数值? 使用Moq在UnitTest中以FindOptions<T>为参数的设置方法 Moq在C#中设置混乱 ...
Returns(true) .Callback<string>(s => callArgs.Add(s)); // access arguments for methods with multiple parameters mock.Setup(foo => foo.DoSomething(It.IsAny<int>(), It.IsAny<string>())) .Returns(true) .Callback<int, string>((i, s) => callArgs.Add(s)); // callbacks can be...
这里其实主要用到了 新建moq对象的setup方法,我们可以在setup里设置方法,属性的值. [Test] public void ShouldReturn_A_Collection_Of_Dtos() { var moq = new Mock<IDataBaseContext<MyDto>>(); moq.Setup(a => a.GetAll()).Returns(new List<MyDto>{ new MyDto{Name="baidu",Age=15}, new MyDto...
SetupSequence() which creates one setup that returns values in sequence, and InSequence().Setup() which creates multiple setups under When() conditions to ensure that they only match in order.Both of these are supported; however, as with service methods, regular setups are generally most ...
setup.Returns(new InvocationFunc(invocation => ...)): The lambda specified in these new overloads will receive anIInvocationrepresenting the current invocation from which type arguments as well as arguments can be discovered. Match.Create<T>((object argument, Type parameterType) => ..., ......
Returns有多个重载,您需要的是那些以Func<RecordType, ISpanRecord>为参数的重载。有了排序之后,您可以...
GetCustomAttributes for a specific type always returns null GetField("FieldName1") return null GetFiles(); all picture files GetHashCode method and the key of Dictionary geting audio duration with NAudio or another library? GetModuleHandle(null) equivalent in C# GetOpenFileName for multiple files...
let mock = Mock<IFoo>() mock.Setup<bool>(fun foo -> foo.DoSomething("ping")).Returns(true) |> ignoreThe type annotation is required as the Setup method provides multiple overloads with differing generic parameters. Another way to workaround this is to write specific extension methods for...