Returns(true); // any value passed in a `ref` parameter (requires Moq 4.8 or later): mock.Setup(foo => foo.Submit(ref It.Ref<Bar>.IsAny)).Returns(true); // matching Func<int>, lazy evaluated mock.Setup(foo => foo.Add(It.Is<int>(i => i % 2 == 0))).Returns(true); /...
Despite the fact that Mock class is generic type where T parameter stands for mocked type it works only at design time. At the runtime phase the type is not available and Moq library relays on other ways to discover the type information. It is required to implement correct behaviour of moc...
You can see that I’m setting up my mock and I’m specifying what the callback should do. What I’m telling him in this case is that for the parameter of type OrderSearchCriteria, once the method is invoked, copy it to the locally defined object called recievedOrderSearchCriteria. This...
Parameter MatchingWhen putting together a Setup or Verify for a method, Moq requires the provision of all parameters that method may take, including those that are optional. This ensures that you set up the correct expectation, as, due to the overloading functionality within C#, it's possible...
用Moq來Mock(仿製)假Method,當參數為某值,Out參數則為某值,就回傳True07:19 (T35-5)T34toT41-OutParameterMethod。用NSubstitute來Mock(仿製)假Method,當參數為某值,Out參數則為某值,就回傳True07:47 (T35-6)T34toT41-RefParameterMethod。用Moq來Mock(仿製)假Method,當Ref參數為某值,就回傳True10:07 ...
Returns(true); // any value passed in a `ref` parameter (requires Moq 4.8 or later): mock.Setup(foo => foo.Submit(ref It.Ref<Bar>.IsAny)).Returns(true); // matching Func<int>, lazy evaluated mock.Setup(foo => foo.Add(It.Is<int>(i => i % 2 == 0))).Returns(true); /...
Execute BCP Out from C# executereader requires an open and available connection. the connection's current state is closed. ExecuteReader returns null with output parameter? Executing C# thread on specific interval of time Executing PowerShell command with parameters from C# Executing PsExec within C# ...
You can do most of that with Rhino Mocks right now, I feel forced to point out. IFoo foo = mocks.DynamicMock<IFoo>(); Expect.Call( () => foo.DoInt(0) ) .Callback( (inti) => i % 2 == 0 ) .Return(1); We even have an Is.Matching constraint, that we can use instead:...
suppose we have complex object which have as a parameter some action object. action usually executes with no exception, but when it throws, complex object handles the exception itself without passing out, "eats the exception". so, if we have some test assertions in action mock, exceptions ...