// 假设有一个名为mockObject的模拟对象,其中包含一个3参数方法mockObject.Setup(x=>x.MethodWithThreeParameters(It.IsAny<ParameterType1>(),It.IsAny<ParameterType2>(),It.IsAny<ParameterType3>())).Callback((ParameterType1param1,ParameterType2param2,ParameterType3param3)=>{// 在回调中执行自定义逻辑...
System.ArgumentException: Invalid callback. Setup on method with parameters (String&,String) cannot invoke callback with parameters (String,String) 这异常就是说Callback委托执行的方法的参数与Setup方法的参数对应不起来,有人也许马上就想说这样改改不就行了: mock.Setup((m) => m.TestMethodWithRef(ref...
9mock.Object.TestMethodWithRef(refrefStr, str); 10mock.VerifyAll(); 11} 上面的测试方法,看上去是没什么问题,编译也没什么问题,但运行测试的话悲剧发生了,抛出异常 System.ArgumentException: Invalid callback. Setup on method with parameters (String&,String) cannot invoke callback with parameters (Str...
System.ArgumentException: Invalid callback. Setup on method with parameters (String&,String) cannot invoke callback with parameters (String,String) 这异常就是说Callback委托执行的方法的参数与Setup方法的参数对应不起来,有人也许马上就想说这样改改不就行了: 复制 mock.Setup((m) => m.TestMethodWithRe...
System.ArgumentException: Invalid callback. Setup on method with parameters (String&,String) cannot invoke callback with parameters (String,String) 这异常就是说Callback委托执行的方法的参数与Setup方法的参数对应不起来,有人也许马上就想说这样改改不就行了: ...
Add(s)); // alternate equivalent generic method syntax mock.Setup(foo => foo.DoSomething(It.IsAny<string>())) .Returns(true) .Callback<string>(s => callArgs.Add(s)); // access arguments for methods with multiple parameters mock.Setup(foo => foo.DoSomething(It.IsAny<int>(), It....
mockObject.Setup(m => m.MethodName(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns("mocked result"); mockObject.Verify(m => m.MethodName(It.IsAny<int>()), Times.Once); 1. 2. 3. 这些方法只是 Moq 框架中的一小部分,用于模拟对象的设置和验证。你可以根据需要深入学习 Moq 的更多功能和用法,以满足你的测试...
ataking multiple parameters of the main structural plates thicknesses and loads as random design variables,the strength reliability of bogie frame is analyzed based on response surface optimizaion approach and JC method 采取主要结构板材厚度的多个参量和装载作为任意设计可变物,分析来路不明的飞机框架的力量...
Mocking also allows you to ensure that a specific method was run with the expected parameters, or enforce that certain methods are only invoked the number of times you are expecting. These mocks can be as simple as faking a virtual method or as complex as ensuring that a call to your ...
;// Set up the mock object to expect a method call with the same parameters passed to it, but allow any callback to be passed to it.// Additionally, tell the mock object to immediately invoke its callback, and pass the given result to it.Moq.Mock.Get(mockObject).Setup(Expression....