1. 位于Moose Jaw城市社区内 2. 在Moose Jaw社区内至少经营2年,或刚刚在Moose Jaw成立新公司,但此前在加拿大其他地区已经经营3年以上 3. 证明在向申请人提供工作Offer之前,已努力招聘加拿大公民或永久居民。注:如提供职位可以招聘到加拿大公民或永久居民,则该职位不能申请RNIP项目。 4. 在Jobbank,Saskjobs和/或...
1. 位于Moose Jaw城市社区内 2. 在Moose Jaw社区内至少经营2年,或刚刚在Moose Jaw成立新公司,但此前在加拿大其他地区已经经营3年以上 3. 证明在向申请人提供工作Offer之前,已努力招聘加拿大公民或永久居民。注:如提供职位可以招聘到加拿大公民或永久居民,则该职位不能申请RNIP项目。 4. 在Jobbank,Saskjobs和/或...
Sask Promo | Moose Jaw, SK. Best selection of promotional items, apparel and corporate gifts. Let us earn your business with our 1st class service and low prices.
and Shrubs for Moose Jaw. Planning and Development Services. Property Tax and Assessment Search. Return to Work Programs. 1 Permanent Job Opportunities. Permanent (and some term) positions that are open to the public are advertised on this Website, saskjobs.ca. And local and provincial ...
Advocate Law Firm's legal services include criminal, corporate, employment, traffic, commissioner of oaths & real estate law as well as wills & estates. Our Moose Jaw law office is located on Main St. For professional representation, a lawyer, or a barri
在Moose Jaw社区内至少经营2年,或刚刚在Moose Jaw成立新公司,但此前在加拿大其他地区已经经营3年以上 证明在向申请人提供工作Offer之前,已努力招聘加拿大公民或永久居民。注:如提供职位可以招聘到加拿大公民或永久居民,则该职位不能申请RNIP项目。 在Jobbank,Saskjobs和/或其它公共招聘平台连续刊登至少3周同一职位招聘...
Your help in finding our home was exceedingly helpful. Your guidance was professional and personal, and we always felt that our needs were well taken care of. We would strongly recommend you to anyone that is in the market to buy or sell a home. Thanks so much! - Tom and Sandra Homeo...
4. 在Jobbank,Saskjobs和/或其它公共招聘平台连续刊登至少3周同一职位招聘广告,或提供其它有同等效力的其它劳动力市场需求证明 5. 提供全职,永久职位 6. 提供行业平均或以上薪资 7. 在提供工作的时候同意使用IMM5894表 8. 不违反《移民和难民保护法》和《就业标准法》 ...