使用方法:1,驱动设置SHIELD内打开串流 2,前端进入插件里点击添加主机,输入电脑与switch连接同一网络的ipv4地址,3,插件会给你4字串流码,输入到电脑英伟达驱动弹出的小窗内即可开始串流。链接在楼下 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2022-04-27 13:32回复
2005 0 03:05 App switch外网远程串流打2042 631 0 00:45 App y700三代对比switch串流延迟 5.2万 7 00:16 App 环世界-100天 2292 4 06:43 App 远程玩电脑游戏,居然还是低延迟 1.2万 1 05:41 App 90元小平板,超高性价比串流神器,延迟几乎无感 1.1万 7 01:32 App 玩环世界不得不品兰迪的大波 4982...
ROG-exclusive gaming switch – ROG NX Mechanical Switch, fast actuation with ROG-tuned force curves for great keypress feel and feedback Durable construction: Aluminum top-plate with striking slash aesthetic combines resilience and styleAwards Recommendation The ROG Moonlight White series breaks with...
Furthermore, ROG PBT doubleshot keycaps and a bundled switch lube kit combine to create an enhanced typing experience. The ROG Azoth also has a 2" OLED display with intuitive controls, wired, RF 2.4 GHz, and Bluetooth 5.1 connectivity with SpeedN...
Could not get past manual build on http.cpp was getting error could not find #include <curl/curl.h> After troubleshooting found that switch-curl had to be added: sudo dkp-pacman --noconfirm -S devkitA64 switch-curl Credit to @tlf30
【工具】switch《Moonlight NX 0.12M》pc串流工具下载,这是switch上用的一个PC串流工具,这是它汉化之后的版本,很好用的一个工具软件,有需要的话大家可以来收藏 一下。 Moonlight NX 0.12M 发布 1.自动侦测语系切换系统(NS系统啥语言就会自动切换对应语言) ...
Furthermore, ROG PBT doubleshot keycaps and a bundled switch lube kit combine to create an enhanced typing experience. The ROG Azoth also has a 2" OLED display with intuitive controls, wired, RF 2.4 GHz, and Bluetooth 5.1 connectivity with SpeedNo...
ROG-exclusive gaming switch – ROG NX Mechanical Switch, fast actuation with ROG-tuned force curves for great keypress feel and feedback Durable construction: Aluminum top-plate with striking slash aesthetic combines resilience and style READY FOR ACTION, COMPACTLY CRAFTED The ROG Strix Scope NX...
Quick-Toggle-Switch: Sofortiger Wechsel zwischen Funktions- und Medientasteneingaben Stealth-Taste: Blende mit einer Taste alle Apps ein uns aus und schalte gleichzeitig den Ton stumm, um schnell Ruhe haben. ROG-exklusiver Gaming-Switch - ROG NX Mechanical Switch, schnelle Betätigung mit ROG...
ROG-exclusive gaming switch – ROG NX Mechanical Switch, fast actuation with ROG-tuned force curves for great keypress feel and feedback Durable construction: Aluminum top-plate with striking slash aesthetic combines resilience and styleAwards Recommendation The ROG Moonlight White series breaks with...