百元内卷终点还是夸张了:四分钟讲清楚水月雨竹2能不能买 客观评价MOONDROP CHU2入耳式有线耳机和成本分析G的耳机 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 5.6万 7 00:37 App 水月雨竹2的逆天品控 7.5万 113 04:34 App 【年终巨献】2024年度有线耳机年终大推荐,水月雨、兴戈、竹林鸟、弱水、达音科...
nicer than feeling like your ability to hear was just torn away because you can't perceive a normal sound floor after jamming out. I just get a ten dollar pair of skullcandy to game with, even 50ms lag is wholly unacceptable. tried chu bc I like moondrop's weeb vibe, but gunshots ...