Daily Transits Astrology Forecast ~ Adjustable 2023-2025 If you found this website useful, please consider donating to help support our online existance. Donations are managed by Fifth House Web Management Services. Thank you! | Transits Information | Color Legend | March 01, 2025 March 01,...
At the Crescent Moon, "I'm so-o-o bored" is a popular phrase in our house. The eight-year-old says it to his page of math problems, the nine-year-old to the piano he should be practicing. Denied Nintendo and the Internet, the fourteen-year-old drops on the couch with ennui. Ro...
Conjunction is transiting through same sign as in birth chart, sextile is transiting 3rd or 11th house, trine is transiting 5th or 9th house, opposition is transiting 7th house from natal sign. Transit MOON conjunct Natal Rahu :You will adjust well to the present trends in the society. Effor...
Moon Conjunct Pluto Transit Moon conjunct Pluto transit brings such deep feelings that they can overwhelm you. A personal interaction or event may trigger a memory or emotion buried deeply in your subconscious. You can even become obsessed with your feelings and have trouble focusing on anything el...
The flow for your Solar Chart (your Sun Sign) is-- Taurus would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Gemini 2nd house, Cancer 3rd house, Leo 4th house, Virgo 5th house, Libra 6th house, Scorpio 7th house, Sagittarius 8th house, Capricorn...
The Moon and Astrology; How it affects our daily life; Transiting Moon in Gemini February 2025 Present Moon Sign/Phase/House: Date: February 5 @10:44pm (PT) February 6 @1:44 am (ET) Moon Sign:Gemini: Moon Phase:2nd Void-of-Course:February 7 @11:52 pm (PT) February 8 @2:52am...
traditionally, sade-Sati is considered to start when gochara (transiting) Shani enters the house preceding the house of the natal Moon, staying there for approx. 2.4 years. Then Shani will enter the house of the Earthen-Moon for another approx. 2.4 years. ...
A new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle.Sun conjunct Moongives an invigorating burst of energy and initiative. So this is an excellent time for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, or starting a new project. You can also questi...
Despite being in detriment, she has power in this chart — note her rulership of the New Moon itself, of Uranus, of the AS, and of both the MC and 10th house through a chain of dispositorship. That’s one cattle prod. Uranus is in a wide but effective conjunction with the New Moo...
backed by a republican party that refuses to see anything that might possibly affect their grip on power including climate change or wide spread in your face corruption ( note Pluto & Saturn currently transiting the Republican party 4th house) I'll be keeping my eyes wide open for this one ...