Here at Wholesale LED Lights, we generally offer warm white (3000K), cool white (6000K), day light (4000K) and RGB colours. With the exception of RGB, they all constitute part of the colour temperature chart. Let’s go a little deeper and explore each one and what it might say abou...
I have an excel sheet some place with the old glass / new ED CA numbers I gathered from Jon Issacs and others - I need to get it back on my desktop. Here's the Conrady-Sidgy chart for ref meantime: Mercy me - so many excellent replies! I didn't mean to ignore the rest of yo...
Colour, font sizes and faces - Evernote text is stored as HTML and this is converted to Markdown during the import process. For notes that are mostly plain text or with basic formatting (bold, italic, bullet points, links, etc.) this is a lossless conversion, and the note, once rendere...
More info in this thread. Exporting Joplin can export to the JEX format (Joplin Export file), which is a tar file that can contain multiple notes, notebooks, etc. This is a lossless format in that all the notes, but also metadata such as geo-location, updated time, tags, etc. are ...