Cafe Astrology: meaning of and interpretation of the Moon conjunct, sextile, trine, square, and opposition Mercury in the natal chart.
Because the Moon rules our emotions, it has a huge impact on our romantic lives. People with a natal Scorpio Moon take their relationships seriously and want to feel a sense of deep, abiding kinship with their partners. They have a special knack for demonstrating how they feel and easily al...
More Aspects of the Moon in the Natal Chart: Moon-Sun aspects | Moon-Mercury aspects | Moon-Venus aspects | Moon-Mars aspects | Moon-Jupiter aspects | Moon-Saturn aspects | Moon-Uranus aspects | Moon-Neptune aspects | Moon-Pluto aspects | Moon-Chiron aspects | Moon-Ascendant aspects Back...
However, about midday, today, the Moon also forms a square to assertive Mars, newly-deposited in quickening Gemini (12:44 pm). At this time, we may temporarily feel compelled to want to push or force matters along. It could maybe be due to a perceived need for defensive posturing. Or,...
Beyond a selfie, it’s time to adore your innerwarrior woman, your ability to persevere though adversity,to fight and win(an Aries / Mars trait). Blossom Beautifully: Full Moon In Taurus Rituals… Come Out Of Hiding To Glow In The Moonlight!
Capricorn has a reputation for being cool, calm, and collected. This is because those with this natal Moon sign don’t allow their emotions to rule them. They view tough situations through a pragmatic lens, and find a way to rationally approach each problem they face. This ability gives tho...
Some of what I write here applies globally, but the chart is cast for the USA.Astrologers: I’m also looking at the New Moon chart in a bi-wheel with the USA chart. Note the transiting MA-JU opposition on US natal Mars-Neptune square, transiting Pluto oppose natal Mercury. ...
The last couple days, too, transiting Mars, in persistent Taurus, has also been exactly square to Trump’s natal Mars, which is in bravado Leo at 26 degrees. His natal Mars is also conjunct his 29 degree Leo Ascendant or First House, which rules new beginnings. A potentially highly-charge...
Mars in Cancer is square the Moon in Libra. Could be some difficulties in close relationships. See what you can do to mend fences so to speak and then reassure anyone involved that you do really mean well and ask what you can do for the situation. Venus, sometimes called the love planet...
This all hooks into the New Moon with Mars’ semi-sextile to it, and the New Moon’s square to Vesta–and then we see that Ceres is novile Mars, hinting that it’s in pursuing expression of our personal authority, and trying to balance it with our responsibilities, that we’ll ...