Jupiter and Saturn moon positiondoi://www.loc.gov/item/ade1997000174/1 drawing on paper : graphite.Chris Graham
Jupiter 12 0' 5" 21n49 Saturn 20 14'14" 5s37 Uranus 23 32'55" 18n26 Neptune 28 45'31" 1s39 Pluto 2 47' 8" 22s48 TrueNode 27 31' 9"r 0s59 Chiron 20 26' 7" 8n45 Explanations of the symbols Chart of the moment Astro-Databank Astro-Databank, the world-wide unique collec...
On the night of the new moon, Saturn is the first visible planet after Venus sets; in New York the ringed planet rises at 9:40 p.m. local time in the constellation Aquarius; it reaches its highest altitude at about 3:19 a.m. (Aug. 5) when it will be 43 degrees above the southe...
Jupiter 星期二 11時55分 星期三 2時27分 星期二 19時11分 Perfect visibility Saturn 星期二 8時12分 星期二 19時38分 星期二 13時55分 Difficult to see Uranus 星期二 10時51分 星期三 0時58分 星期二 17時54分 Difficult to see Neptune 星期二 8時31分 星期二 20時24分 星期二 14時27分 Extr...
Jupiter 星期二 10時45分 星期三 2時58分 星期二 18時52分 Perfect visibility Saturn 星期二 8時04分 星期二 19時08分 星期二 13時36分 Difficult to see Uranus 星期二 9時51分 星期三 1時20分 星期二 17時35分 Difficult to see Neptune 星期二 8時14分 星期二 20時02分 星期二 14時08分 Extre...
Conjunction of Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn A person born with this conjunction is intelligent and loves to travel. He is not stable. Such a person is brave and courageous. Such people are a bit selfish and take quick decisions without a lot of ...
Mer= Mercury Ven = Venus Mar = Mars Conj = Conjunction 0° (Angle) Sqr = Square 90° Jup = Jupiter Sat = Saturn Ura = Uranus Oppos = Opposition 180° Sxtil = Sextile 60° Nep = Neptune Plu = Pluto Rx = Retrograde Qucnx = Quincunx/Inconjunct 150° Tri = Trine 120°©...
1966 PART ONE The Sun and Moon PART TWO Mars and Venus PART THREE Jupiter and Saturn PART FOUR Uranus and Neptune PART FIVE Mercury and Pluto PART ONE The Sun and Moon In traditional astrology the Sun and the Moonare not actually considered as planets, but as the "lights" — the Light...
The planets Venus and Jupiter will be replaced by Mars and Saturn, and the star will be Spica instead of Aldebaran. While the moon has just entered the scene from the right, moving towards first quarter, the planets and star will be making their "farewell appearances" for the season as ...
Jupiter 星期二 12時27分 星期三 3時05分 星期二 19時46分 Perfect visibility Saturn 星期三 8時44分 星期三 20時09分 星期三 14時27分 Difficult to see Uranus 星期二 11時24分 星期三 1時35分 星期二 18時30分 Difficult to see Neptune 星期三 9時02分 星期三 20時55分 星期三 14時59分 Extr...