The asteroid had been orbiting the Sun, but it passed too close to the Earth and was pulled in by the Earth's gravity. The object has been given the name "2020 CD3". When we think of a moon, we most likely think of the Earth's moon. But the word "moon" can actually mean an...
后来,伽利略于1610年发现,木星(Jupiter)竟然也有卫星,和月球的形态相似,那干脆也叫moon算了。 请看NASA官网的这么一段话 Earth's only natural satellite is simply called "the Moon" because people didn't know other moons existed until Galileo Galilei discovered ...
of water. Earth's moon is also very quiet, geologically. By comparison, Io, another of Jupiter's moons, is a violent cauldron of geologic activity. It is covered with huge volcanoes that emit plumes of sulfur so enormous that they can be seen by the Hubble Space Telescope orbiting Earth....
Orbiting spacecraft have foundtraces of wateron the lunar surface that may have originated from deep underground. They have also locatedhundreds of pitsthat could one-day house explorers living on the moon long-term. Ongoing observations from theLunar Reconnaissance Orbiter(LRO) have shown thatwater...
This is because they behave similarly to the permanent moon orbiting Earth when they are captured by gravity. But they are much smaller and stay only temporarily in Earth’s orbit. 科学家有时将此类物体称为“迷你卫星”。这是因为当它们被重力捕获时,它们的行为类似于绕地球运行的永久月球。但它们...
The moon, Earth's natural satellite, is riddled with craters (陨石坑) from space rocks that crashed onto its surface. After five years of observations,astronomers now suspect that an object orbiting Earth, known as Kamo'oalewa,may be part of the moon cast out into space by one of these ...
The planet Saturn is being recognized as the “moon king” of our solar system. Jupiter used to hold the record for most moons orbiting around it. It has 79. But scientists in the United States have announced the discovery of 20 new moons around Saturn. That gives the planet a new total...
which was also orbiting the sun, hit either a glancing blow to young earth (proto-earth) or smashed into it head-on and ejected some of earth into space. Although some of the debris went into deep space, enough ejecta remained in the vicinity to begin accreting into a sphere that started...
Asteroid 2024 PT5 is an Earth mini-moon orbiting the planet from Sept. 29 - Nov. 25, 2024Wikipedia The Standard Story Of The Moon's Origins Is Facing Another ChallengeIFL Science - September 22, 2024 Extremely rare, vibrant "moonbows" were spotted in the night sky above the U.S. short...
and maintaining the circular velocities of the Earth and Moon while their masses are varied by a common factor (λ= m′ E / m E = m′ M / m M ), it is found that the possibility of the Moon leaving Earth orbit and orbiting the Sun exists for the range of values 0.005<λ<0.4....