关于“怀斯布里昂月亮山区赤霞珠干红葡萄酒(B Wise Brion Moon Mountain District Cabernet Sauvignon, Sonoma, USA) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自美国加利福尼亚州产区索诺玛县的红葡萄酒,呈不透明的紫红色泽,带有草莓、覆盆子和黑莓的水果香气,白色花朵、蜂蜜和矿物质味道,同时带有烤面包的味道,具有很强的陈年潜力...
Moon Mountain【详情】 本酒款酿酒葡萄资料ABOUT GRAPE 赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)典型香气:黑加仑、黑醋栗、黑樱桃、青椒、薄荷;烟熏、香草、咖啡、雪松等橡木带来的风味;陈年之后还会有菌菇类、干树叶、动物皮毛和矿物的香气起源: 作为世界上最著名的红葡萄品种,赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)的历史并不是特别悠久。它与...
2014年嘎利月亮山区赤霞珠红葡萄酒 2014 Gail Wines Cabernet Sauvignon, Moon Mountain District, USA年份全部年份 2014国内市场参考价:¥暂无价格信息 (2014年份) 酒庄 嘎利酒庄产区 美国» 加利福尼亚州 » 纳帕谷 品种赤霞珠 风味特征黑加仑 黑醋栗 黑樱桃酒款综述 这是一款产自美国加利福尼亚州产区的红葡...
How do we do it? We have to ask sometimes…2016 vintage (a great one), Moon Mountain appellation, normally $85….all we can say is, if you love cabernet as much as we do, JUMP on this one! When wineries have a little extra and want to move on to their next vintage, we often...
Korbin Kameron Moon Mountain District Cabernet Sauvignon Sonoma County, USA ¥388 90/ 100 Korbin Kameron Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Mount Veeder, USA ¥1089 87/ 100 Korbin Kameron Semillon Moon Mountain District, USA Advertisement One of our sponsors is: ...
Moon Mountain District is an AVA within Sonoma Valley, just north of the city of Sonoma. This mountainous viticultural area on the very eastern edge of Sonoma County produces rich, intensely-flavored wines from Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah.
Well, if you’re fond of high elevation Cabernet Sauvignon and Zinfandel you might really enjoy the wines from this area. Moon Mountain AVA (American Viticultural Area) became official in 2013 and promises to deliver hauntingly intense wines; reminiscent of the other famous mountain wine regions...
1999 Carmenet Moon Mountain Estate Reserve, Sonoma Valley, USA 年份全部年份 1999 1998 1996 1995 1991 1986 国内市场参考价:¥1190(1999年份) 酒庄卡蒙酒庄 产区美国 » 加利福尼亚州 » 索诺玛县 品种赤霞珠、梅洛、品丽珠 酒款综述 此款酒来自美国卡蒙酒庄,选用赤霞珠、品丽珠、小味而多混酿,平均得...
Making extraordinary wines in Sonoma County for six generations, the Bundschu Family is now crafting a highly lauded Cabernet Sauvignon from Moon Mountain.
其中,酒庄的赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)葡萄来自卢瑟福(Rutherford)的贝克托弗乔治三世园(Beckstoffer's Georges III Vineyard)和已有45年葡萄种植历史的蒙特西罗园(Montecillo Vineyard)。马尔贝克(Malbec)和小西拉(Petite Sirah)来自面积不大却非常壮丽的罗克派(Rockpile)产区。而仙粉黛(Zinfandel)则分别来自干溪谷(Dry...