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That probe, the Chang'e-4, and its robot rover are still functioning, transmitting to Earth via an orbiter that passes over the moon's far side. Meanwhile, China's first moon lander, the Chang'e-3, is also still transmitting. China is excluded from the International ...
A joint venture between Voyager, Airbus and partners is designing, building, and will operate the future space station Starlab. Mars missions Drawing on its experience in interplanetary missions, Airbus is developing a rover and a satellite to increase our knowledge of…...
China reveals names of moon-landing spacesuit, manned lunar rover Video 16:33, 12-Feb-2025 Chang'e 6 samples suggest global magma ocean on early moon Video 19:27, 28-Feb-2025 The journey of a young skier inspired by a leader's vision Video 18:09, 08-Feb-2025 MORE F...
India shares video proof of its phenomenal moon landing and rover Right now 2 nations are racing to the moon to land at the south pole Many nations and private ventures haveset their sights on the polar regionspecifically because orbiter research has indicated there is ice buried in its permane...
Landing Sites (robotic) Launch Photos LCROSS LO BUGL LOIRP LOIRP in the news LPI (Lunar & Planetary Institute) LRO Luna Lunar Orbiter Lunar Orbiter 1 ("I" or "A") Lunar Orbiter 2 ("II" or "B") Lunar Orbiter 2 Images Lunar Orbiter 3 ("III" or "C") ...
The orbiter is expected to carry the returner back to Earth. The landing on the moon is "extremely significant," former NASA scientist James Head told CGTN. RELATED STORIES China reveals names of moon-landing spacesuit, manned lunar rover Video 16:33, 12-Feb-2025 ...
Japan is the fifth nation to land on the moon, following the former Soviet Union, the United States, China, and India. But JAXA controllers soon realized after the landing that their mission was in peril, with the spacecraft quickly losing battery life. ...
BEIJING, Feb. 12 (Xinhua) -- The China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) on Wednesday unveiled the names of the moon-landing spacesuit and manned lunar rover for the country's manned lunar exploration missions. The moon-landing spacesuit is named Wangyu, meaning gazing into the cosmos, and it ech... 袁德俊拥有者2年前 袁德俊拥有者2年前 ...