Story Found In:Moon Knight#6-9 &Moon Knight#2 While most of Moon Knight's books focus on his prime identity of Marc Spector, that's not the only person running around inside his head. In "Reincarnations," the other men who call Marc's body their home come to light, a...
The introduction of the Egyptian gods in episode three of Moon Knight could lead to an Avengers: Endgame-topping war if Galactus were to attack. The Disney+ series has thus far introduced seven new gods into the MCU, with the focus being on Khonshu and Ammit and their respective avatars, ...
While Batman is concerned with freeing Gotham from the yoke of crime and corruption, Moon Knight has a much more macro perspective of how harm can come to people during the nighttime. Batman stories have always had a strong crime bent to them, looking at the deep seated nature of urban cor...
Today ClearView AI declares that it has a database of 50 billion facial images sourced “from public-only web sources, including news media, mugshot websites, public social media, and many other open sources.” Your face may well belong to them. Your Face Belongs To Us was shortlisted for...
“The father, freed. The son, returned. Marc Spector, Jake Lockley and Stephen Grant hit the streets once more as Moon Knight, and he’s making up for lost time,” MacKay shared. “The streets have changed since Moon Knight died, and I’m excited to explore how ...
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amazon prime video this week. matt kamen the national institute of standards and technology braces for mass firings approximately 500 nist staffers, including at least three lab directors, are expected to lose their jobs at the standards agency as part of the ongoing doge purge, sources tell ...
Blade speaking to Black Knightshould be a sign that he's already aware of the Ebony Blade. As one of Marvel's most skilled swordsmen, it would make sense that Blade has knowledge of Dane's new weapon. This could be because of his proficiency with edged weapons or the Ebony Blade's mag...