First House - Self Identity: Here, Black Moon Lilith may influence your self-perception and individuality. Second House - Material Possessions: Black Moon Lilith in this house might impact your relationship with possessions and financial matters. Third House - Communication: If Black Moon Lilith is...
North Node in Gemini and/or in the Third House With North Node in Gemini, our South Node is in Sagittarius. With North Node in the third house, our South Node is in the ninth house. A tendency to hold beliefs and opinions without gathering the facts, to being self-righteous and running...
Sarah Regan Spirituality This Zodiac Sign Has A Reputation For Being Annoying—Is It Yours? Sarah Regan Parenting What Are The 4 Parenting Styles? Find Out Which One You Are Alexandra Engler moreMindfulness Advertisement This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its ac...
"For instance, if you have your moon in the 12th house, you may naturally be attracted to someone who has other planets (doesn't have to be the moon) in the 12th house in their own chart," Bell said. Something else to consider is house overlays in a synastry chart (a combination of...
Astrologically speaking, the 10th house (aka "midheaven") of your birth chart is associated with your work and public image. However, your moon sign can still give an added flair to the kinds of careers you might be interested in.