Venus in Aries sextiles Mars in Gemini (7:17 am) –A very nice supportive aspect for expressing affection, fostering a harmonious sense of give-and-take. Too, we may find that our personal plans get a positive shot in the arm. Also, helps to boost creativity, sex appeal! Waning Luna,...
Select the month, day and year: Month Day year (To return to current month, click Go button again without selecting Month or Year) Additional Daily Transit Information Return to top of page Mar 1, 2025 09:51 AM Moon Enters Aries Mar 2, 2025 12:36 AM Ven Rx Aries Mar 2, 2025 04...
If, for example, the Solar Return Moon is in Libra in the 5th house, it is likely that you will be emotionally tied up in, and concentrated on, love and relationship. A strong need for personal self-expression will be characteristic of the year, and emotional ups and downs are likely ...
March 18, Full Moon in the 5th House The trine of the transiting Moon to Kristen’s Ascendant gives the ability to put the vision of the New Moon into action. The desire to impress or lack of modesty (Moon square to Jupiter in natal chart) are temptations to be resisted. The point ...
Moon in 2nd housefor SAGITTARIUS Moon in 3rd Housefor SCORPIO Moon in 4th housefor LIBRA Moon in 5th housefor VIRGO Moon in 6th housefor LEO Moon in 7th housefor CANCER Moon in 8th housefor GEMINI Moon in 10th housefor ARIES Moon in 11th housefor PISCES ...
Moon in 10th housefor TAURUS Moon in 11th housefor ARIES Moon in 12th housefor PISCES New Moon January Manifestation Tools The Five of Swordssymbolizes inner struggles, personal victories, and the consequences of ambition. While this card can reveal themes of self-interest or ruthlessness, it al...
to Page, these signs are super touchy-feely, want to be totally comfortable around their partner, and like doing activities together, especially when those activities don't require leaving the house. So your perfect match is—surprise, surprise—fellow earth signs,Venus in Taurus and in Virgo....
The Moon in Scorpio is secretive, intense, and yearns to connect emotionally! Learn more about the natal Scorpio Moon as well as the Scorpio New and Full Moon transits.
Present Moon Sign/Phase/House: Date:February 27th @ 3:46am (ET) @12:46am (PT) Moon Sign:Pisces Moon Phase:4th, moves into the 1st on the 28th Void-of-Course:March 1 @3:05am (ET) @12:05am (PT) to moon into Aries later in the evening. Piscesis oneof the fortunate signs for...
Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19) Full Moon December 30, 2020, will occur in your4thhouse, which is responsible for household chores, family, relationships with relatives. This cosmic event will show you the result of your previous behavior with relatives, your care for housing, home, family. In ...