On page 4 of our Solar Returns Feature, we offer interpretations of the Ascendant sign in the Solar Return chart, as well as the natal house brought to the Solar Ascendant. On page 5 of our Solar Returns Feature, we offer interpretations of the Solar Return Sun in aspect to other Solar ...
At the Crescent Moon, "I'm so-o-o bored" is a popular phrase in our house. The eight-year-old says it to his page of math problems, the nine-year-old to the piano he should be practicing. Denied Nintendo and the Internet, the fourteen-year-old drops on the couch with ennui. Ro...
with other women, as well as their relationship to the culture in which they grow up. The Moon and the 4th house cusp, where the earth is located, indicates the background of domestic, cultural, heritage which form the foundation of what we believe instinctively; the way we spontaneously fe...
Moonin Cancer: (these folk really feel the influence of the moon, emotions may be close to the surface). Ascendantin Cancer: Sunin Cancer: Moonin the 4th house: Aspectsto the Moon, or planets in the 4th house To a lessorextent, those who have personal planets in Capricorn The Moon and...
One had a Virgo Moon, the others 6th house Moons. I have a Virgo Ascendant; the attraction is understandable. A man will often seek a woman to embody the traits of his inner Moon. My men initially loved the way I did Virgo, smart and organized, health-conscious, analytical, and self-...
This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer). The New Moon is also the best time to set some powerful intentions for the month’s Moon cycle — the perfect time is after the New Moon becomes ...
The Moon is the most important planet inJyotish.It is used as anascendantin its own right andall transits are calculated from the position of the Moon. To use it in this way we rotate the chart until theMoon is in the first house- then all the other planets can be seen in relation ...
I’m a Taurus with Pisces moon conjunct Saturn and Cancer Ascendant. Most my signs are mutable, most earth so big Virgo influence. Being an intuitive empath, I have been very excited the past few months, really not sure why. I am looking forward to all the wonderful positive energy that...
Now admittedly, there's a ridiculous amount of information nestling within this New Moon horoscope but it's simply too late to type it for you now. Even the tempting Grand Cross involving Mars conjunct US natal Saturn and the New Moon's IC, and Saturn snuggling near Pluto (6th house) ca...
I’m a Leo ascendant (no planet) and when you said some Pisces have ” boundless ambition to conquer the world” that really resonated with me. Apparently our ascending sign is our ‘identity’ and our 2nd house is our method for ‘accumulating wealth’ and substantiating that identity. I ...