in 6th house:special talent for service, working hard, special talent for organizing things and being in the rhythm with the nature 在服务他人方面有特别的才能(字面意思);很努力的工作者;可以把事情安排的井井有条;擅长与自然共振 in 7th house:special ability to relate to others, special spouse, r...
Moon in 2nd housefor SAGITTARIUS Moon in 3rd Housefor SCORPIO Moon in 4th housefor LIBRA Moon in 5th housefor VIRGO Moon in 6th housefor LEO Moon in 7th housefor CANCER Moon in 8th housefor GEMINI Moon in 10th housefor ARIES Moon in 11th housefor PISCES Moon in 12th housefor AQUARIUS ...
Moon in 6th house for VIRGO Moon in 7th house for LEO Moon in 8th house for CANCER Moon in 9th house for GEMINI Moon in 10th house for TAURUS Moon in 11th house for ARIES Moon in 12th house for PISCES New Moon January Manifestation Tools The Five of Swords symbolizes inner struggles, ...
Solar Return Moon in the 5th House Solar Return Moon in the 6th House Solar Return Moon in the 7th House Solar Return Moon in the 8th House Your emotional state depends heavily on the condition of the Moon by aspect. If the Moon is mostly supported (for example, by trines and sextiles...
1 Jan bursts forth with a powerful New Moon in your 6th house of work, health, and coworkers.It is likely something will be rearranged in these areas and probably a return to former conditions that you did not see ahead of time. Much of the year calls for you to correct for imbalances...
Because the moon can represent what we take a mental interest in, someone with a Virgo moon is very heavily focused on 6th House themes: work, body, health, and routine. This can indicate someone who enjoys learning about or diving into these themes. For example, a Virgo moon might have...
As always, these are my personal preferences and just for fun. The Television Episode That Kicked the Ass of Anything in Movies Award: “The Red Dragon and the Gold” – House of the Dragon Were there better shows this year than the second season of House of …Continue reading ...
the tenth house regnum Comforted by Constitutional Order high visibility protective, parental, securing,caretakingleadership " Man is what he thinks all day long." ~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson " I've learned that people will forget what you said, ...
Shows emotional turmoil in 6th, 8th and 12th; weak in the 10th house 力量就不翻译了哈,应该都能看懂吧?强中弱,入庙庙旺擢升落陷,对应的星座和宫位~ The Lunar Cycle 月亮的周期 When the Moon is conjunct the Sun it is called a new moon.Travelling13º 20'a day it takes2¼ days to tran...
Was it my own 12th house Moon, opposite the 6th, inviting me to play a familiar role as victim, reciting its treasured "Why do they all crucify me" script? When Moon meets Moon, it's like walking in a house of mirrors! What really happens when one Moon shines into the dark ...