Conjunction is transiting through same sign as in birth chart, sextile is transiting 3rd or 11th house, trine is transiting 5th or 9th house, opposition is transiting 7th house from natal sign. Transit MOON conjunct Natal Rahu :You will adjust well to the present trends in the society. Effor...
At the Crescent Moon, "I'm so-o-o bored" is a popular phrase in our house. The eight-year-old says it to his page of math problems, the nine-year-old to the piano he should be practicing. Denied Nintendo and the Internet, the fourteen-year-old drops on the couch with ennui. Ro...
On page 4 of our Solar Returns Feature, we offer interpretations of the Ascendant sign in the Solar Return chart, as well as the natal house brought to the Solar Ascendant. On page 5 of our Solar Returns Feature, we offer interpretations of the Solar Return Sun in aspect to other Solar ...
In a solar return, horary, or event chart, we read the Moon's house as an area of changeability. But how do we honor this changeability in a natal chart? What really do I know when I see your Moon? What do I know when I see my own? I should know that you and I are fluid ...
Sun square Moon natal is one of the most challenging aspects to master because it causes stress, friction, conflict and crises. It often indicates a problematic childhood with tests and setbacks. You may have had misunderstandings with your parents, or the relationship between your parents may hav...
with extreme highs and lows until you learn to put things into perspective. Having the ability to feel your feelings and bring the truth about anything (or yourself) to light can lead to profound transformations. Don’t fear these periods of change because a natal Moon in Scorpio gives you ...
Moon in 2nd housefor SAGITTARIUS Moon in 3rd Housefor SCORPIO Moon in 4th housefor LIBRA Moon in 5th housefor VIRGO Moon in 6th housefor LEO Moon in 7th housefor CANCER Moon in 8th housefor GEMINI Moon in 10th housefor ARIES Moon in 11th housefor PISCES ...
Moon opposite Saturn natal is one of the most challenging aspects because it can make you sad and lonely. Most importantly, you want the emotional nourishment of a supportive, intimate relationship. However, there are many obstacles to experiencing that feeling of being loved and valued. ...
On This Day in History:On April 1, 1976, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs found Apple Computer in the garage of Jobs’ parent’s house in Cupertino, California. Among the planetary aspects in the sky that day, pioneering Mars, in tenacious Cancer, was exactly forming a waning trine to Uranus...
Moon in 3rd Housefor VIRGO Moon in 4th housefor LEO Moon in 5th housefor CANCER Moon in 6th housefor GEMINI Moon in 7th housefor TAURUS Moon in 8th housefor ARIES Moon in 9th housefor PISCES Moon in 10th housefor AQUARIUS Moon in 11th housefor CAPRICORN ...