Keywords:bright, face, full, moon, outer space Codepoints:1F31D Introduced:June, 2015in Unicode version8.0.0(Emoji version1.0) Related emoji 🌚new moon face This moon with face emoji looks more like a full moon than a new moon to us. Depending on the emoji vendor, the moon's facial...
The emoji 🌜 depicts a slender, yellow, left-facing crescent moon. It has the same shape and color as 🌙 but they differ in that 🌜 has a human face with a gentle
As it turns out, Facebook has included an easter egg in Facebook Messenger (viaReddit) that activates Dark Theme without really resorting to too many additional steps. All you have to do is send a crescent moon emoji ( 🌙 this one, specifically) to anyone in chat in Messenger, exit ou...
:first_quarter_moon_with_face: Return an emoji representing the current moon phase. - rickycodes/moonmoji
FaceTime 3:41 5 Phone (feat. Nosemad) 3:32 6 SOS 2:02 7 ii:ii 3:02 8 Interlude 1:49 9 S3NS3 (feat. kooler & ATOM) 4:43 10 MOON (feat. 赵翊帆YI94) 4:13 11 Signal (feat. EMOji蚁眸几) 3:53 12 Outro 2:58 Don't Tell Me (feat. VINCE 硯 & Nosemad) - Single ... Generate a favicon from text, from an image, or from an emoji. Download in .ico and .png formats Favicomatic Generate favicons of all the sizes and formats as well as the HTML code needed to support every possible browser or device Favicon Generator Generate favicon ico files fo...
2013-6-3 14:43 来自iPhone客户端 新浪微博客户端3.5.1全新升级!信息流图片加载速度提升;发布器支持多张图片一键分享;新增emoji、浪小花表情。观看视频,了解更多!O网页链接 App Store下载地址:O网页链接 长图 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 c +关注 唐皓 2013-5-31 23:30 来自...
Emoji NameFull Moon Face 配對後視鏡支架類型(bidi)None 成分排除No 案例變更1F31D 簡單的大小寫更改1F31D Grapheme_Base+ scriptsCommon 编码hexdec (bytes)decbinary UTF-8F0 9F 8C 9D240 159 140 157403698806111110000 10011111 10001100 10011101
有脸的上弦月 Emoji 🌛 U+1F31B 复制 下载 PNG SVG 表情符號的含義 有脸的上弦月. 杂项符号和象形文字. 符号「有脸的上弦月」 包含在 「杂项符号和象形文字」 块的 「月亮,太陽和星星符號」 子块中,并在2010年作为Unicode版本6.0的一部分获得批准。在2015年,它还在版本1.0中被批准为表情符号,并...
🌝Full Moon Face is a fully-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 6.0 which was introduced in 2010, and was added to Emoji 1.0. Find many moreFull Moon Face Emojisat Copy and Paste This Emoji: 🌝 Share this🌝Full Moon Face emoji on: ...