The Moon Distance Calculator shows approximate times for when the Moon is closest to the Earth (perigee) and furthest from the Earth (apogee).
to Earth), shorter lunations result. When the new Moon phase occurs at about the same time asapogee(when the Moon is farthest from Earth), longer lunations result. This is related to the fact that the Moon travels faster in its orbit at perigee and slowest in its orbit at apogee. ...
See full month's Moon Moon Articles What's a Blue Moon? What's a Super Full Moon? Is the Moon Upside-Down in the Other Hemisphere? How Do Moon Phases Work? What Is Lunar Perigee and Apogee? Moon Rise/Set Photography Tips Full Moon Names...
Moon at Perigee and Apogee: 2046 to 2050 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Year Perigee Distance Diameter Apogee Distance Diameter (km) (arc-min) (km) (arc-min) 2046 Jan 11 16:45 405530 29.47 Jan 23 19:02 359440 33.25 Feb 08 05:11 406331 29.41 Feb 21 06:43 356803 m 33.49 Mar 07 06:49...
Syzygy in7 days In7 dayson29 January 2025at 12:36 in♒ Aquariusthe Moon is going to be in a New Moon geocentric conjunction with the Sun and thus forming the next Sun-Moon-Earth syzygy alignment. Last syzygy|Next syzygy Lunar calendar ...
Moon's Perigee and Apogee The Moon revolves around Earth in an elliptical orbit with a mean eccentricity of 0.0549. As a result, the Moon’s distance from Earth (center-to-center) varies with mean values of 363,396 km at perigee (closest) to 405,504 km at apogee (most distant). ...
to Earth), shorter lunations result. When the new Moon phase occurs at about the same time asapogee(when the Moon is farthest from Earth), longer lunations result. This is related to the fact that the Moon travels faster in its orbit at perigee and slowest in its orbit at apogee. ...
After 24 minutes of flight, the satellite separated from the rocket, and entered the planned Earth-Moon transfer orbit with the perigee at 200 kilometers and the apogee at 420,000 kilometers. The satellite's solar panels and communications antennae were unfolded, according to the China National...
About 25 minutes after lift-off, the satellite separated from the rocket and entered an Earth-Moon transfer orbit with the perigee at 200 km and the apogee at about 400,000 km. Meanwhile, the solar panels and the communication antennas were unfolded. ...
About 25 minutes after liftoff, the satellite separated from the rocket and entered an Earth-Moon transfer orbit with the perigee at 200 km and the apogee at about 400,000 km. The solar panels and the communication antennas were unfolded. Queqiao is expected to enter a halo orbit around the...