# Gem animator if "Mox" in card_data["name"]: @@ -623,12 +616,12 @@ func calculate_buffs(): if friendly: if slotManager.get_enemy_card(slot_idx()): var eCard = slotManager.get_enemy_card(slot_idx()) if eCard.has_sigil("Stinky"): if eCard.has_sigil("Stinky") and not has...
elm-animator "svelte has really good set of animation examples in their tutorial site. Incase it can help somehow [section 9 -11]" (by Ruman on chat) rust-dominator/examples/animation "Hey Martin, what about Seed?" Zoon and Seed have very different features and goals. I assume we will...
Preview animation poses both forwards and backwards in time using Ghosting/Onion Skinning. This allows the animator to easily time the current animated frame with references to next and previous frames of the animation. Automated Mesh Generation, Skinning and Weighting ...
Use Nero Face Animation and add some moving magic to your photos Let your imagination run wild The magic that makes mundane photos interesting. Like a moving photo wall in a magical world, create your own exclusive moving effect. Not only do we offer a variety of facial expressions like sm...