原Youtube 链接:https://youtu.be/8XO4eFMVcE8 虽然Synthesizer IIIp 最终在 1973 停产,但这些 Bob Moog 亲手设计的合成器拥有难以被模仿的声音特性,充满活力。50 年过去了,这台经典的合成器将要以十分限量的方式进行回归。每一台 Synthesizer IIIp 复刻将会基于原版的设计、电路进行制作,全世界将只会有 40 台...
来自德国的厂商 Synth-Werk 对经典的 Moog Modular IIIP 模块系统进行了 1: 1 复刻,推出了名为 SW3P-2020 的模块系统。据说这个复刻版是献给 Klaus Schulze 的,因为他在 1975 年从德国艺术家弗洛里安·弗里克(Florian Fricke)手中买下了这套模块系统,并将其用于现场表演和录音棚录制。 功能参数: 2x SW901A O...
Aion Modular是Club of the Knobs的子品牌,他们新的3P System和Synthesizer System 15分别复刻了Moog的Modular IIIP和Model 15模块,但将其做成了更小更受欢迎的eurorack版本。 Synthesizer System 15还提供一套可手提的箱子,40cm大小,3kg重,还内置了MIDI到CV/Gate的转换接口。售价2900欧元(不含税,不含运费)。
The SW3P-2020 from Synth-Werk (Germany) is a 1: 1 replica of the well-known Moog Modular IIIP system. This reproduction is even dedicated to Klaus Schulze because he bought this system in 1975 from the German artist Florian Fricke and used it for several years for live performances & stu...
Synth guru Daniel Fisher demonstrates what you can do when you combine the most powerful currently-produced Moog synthesizer, the Moog Synthesizer IIIP, with the Moog Sequencer Compliment B Portable Expansion Cabinet Reissue.… Read More Moog Synthesizer IIIP Modular Synthesizer Hands-On Demo June 20...
electronics of a customized Moog Synthesizer III--creating space for artists like George Harrison to employ his Moog Synthesizer IIIp on the Beatles’ Abbey Road sessions, and Isao Tomita to shape the sounds of “classitronica” using the first Synthesizer IIIp in Japan on Snowflakes Are Dancing....
Aion Modular 3P: Recreation Of The Moog Modular IIIP & Model 15 In Eurorack Format December 14, 2019Synth Anatomy0 Aion Modular, a sub-brand of Club of the Knobs has recreated the Moog Modular IIIP & Model 15 and shrunken it into the Eurorack format. Not only Behringer showed this week ...
& Synthesizer IIIC/IIIP).NOTE: Double check to make sure your system is connected to its correct input channels for proper behavior.3. Because the triggers on a Model 15/10 are wired differently from a System 35/55 and Synthesizer IIIC/IIIP, your 953 keyboard can be set to adapt to ...
【大福利】即日起买Moog任意合成器即送IK Multimedia正版软件一套 【大福利】即日起买Moog任意合成器即送IK Multimedia正版软件一套 Lisa Bella Donna | Moog模拟合成器家族演示 Moog Subharmonicon Moog DFAM Moog Mother-32 Moog Grandmother Moog Matriarch Subsequent 25 Subsequent 37 Moog One Synthesizer IIIp...
铁路建设(西港至植北,新区段):@乐文彩雨 铁路建设(植北至泽湾,旧区段):@shopvb 沿途建筑建设(半沙小万酒店):@XIAOWAN-H 沿途建筑建设(隧道口上方别墅):@Windowsiiip 游戏录屏、动画和剪辑:@乐文彩雨 音乐 388 0 转发 评论 点赞 慕格MooG 2024年04月16日 038219 转发动态 物华弥新 关注 互动...