一、若要升級到1.9x,則一定要先升到1.8x,才可升級到1.9x,不可從1.7x或1.6x直接升級到1.9x,這樣子是會產生問題的,一定要1.6x upgrade 到1.7x,再從1.7x upgrade到1.8x ,然後再從1.8x upgrade到1.9x 二、將系統備份,我的作法是將mysql的moode資料庫,及moode整個資料夾一起copy備份,但是可以依照moodle官方網...
moodle upgrade & downtime 18-19 dec 2023 宁波诺丁汉大学图书馆 2023-12-15 12:46 发表于 浙江 /// we are pleased to announce that our moodle lms will finally undergo its long-promised facelift and will very soon boast an enhanced ...
# chmod -R u+w stampcoll(或type等相应的文件夹) 二、升级数据库,建议用命令行模式,网页升级容易出问题。进入moodle根目录 sudo -u apache /usr/local/php/bin/php admin/cli/upgrade.php 三、关闭升级模式
如果您在升级的过程中遇到了问题,请访问 moodle.org ,并将您的问题写到 “Using Moodle”课程中的Installation Support 论坛上。
Before the upgrade to 2.7, there may have been a cron task that was failing, which was preventing the rest of cron from being executed. A failure in any single task will no longer prevent the rest of the Moodle cron tasks from executing, so you may uncover previously masked bugs. It is...
MOODLE MANUAL UPGRADE METHODOLOGYS. S., AtanasovAutomation of Technological & Business Processes / Avtomatizaciâ Tehnologiceskih i Biznes-Processov
When finished, click theadminlink to visit your Moodle site. You will need to go to the admin section of your Moodle site to complete the upgrade. The Server will go through a series of checks. Clickcontinue. You will have a confirmation screen asking of your want to upgrade Moodle. Clic...
windows server upgrade moodle 1个回答 0投票 您可以从 Github 下载旧的 Moodle 分支前往https://github.com/moodle/moodle单击“分支机构”>“全部”https://github.com/moodle/moodle/branches/all然后选择 MOODLE_22_STABLEhttps://github.com/moodle/moodle/tree/MOODLE_22_STABLE...
Moodle - the world's open source learning platform - moodle/blog/upgrade.txt at 759b323e0e3dd861ad1aeb159f6e6fd26c8b6a7c · seanlas/moodle
";exit(1);}if(moodle_needs_upgrading()){echo"Moodle upgrade pending, cron execution suspended. ";exit(1);}require_once $CFG->libdir.'/adminlib.php';require_once $CFG->libdir.'/gradelib.php';if(!empty($CFG->showcronsql)){$DB->set_debug(true);}if(!empty($CFG->showcrondebugging...