TU Darmstadt Moodle WrapperOpen Moodle links of the TU Darmstadt in the official Moodle appVersion: 1.1 Added: 05-01-2021 Updated: 01-03-2021 more_vert Open Moodle links of the TU Darmstadt in the official Moodle app.DisclaimerNeither is this an officail project by the TU Darmstadt nor by...
它也是在达姆施塔特工业大学(TU Darmstadt)创建的的后继产品。 支持者是通过异步调用开发的,因此仅从数据库中检索需要的信息,而无需重新加载整个页面; 为心情管理员带来全新的用户体验。 它具有标准的内置Moodle功能检查功能,因此不需要额外的功能,并且可以完成多个级别的支持(请参阅“功能”一章)。 特征 查找学生和...
CS Department, TU Darmstadt, Hochschulstr, 10 64289 Darmstadt, Germany.R. Guido and V. Teena, "First Steps Towards a Visualization-Based Computer Science Hypertextbook as a Moodle Module," Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 224, No. 1, pp. 47-56, 2009....