's charts, treatment tracking, reminders, and wellness team features can help you create healthy habits leading to better mental health. Custom ChartsYou can fully customize and track any health measurement and display it on your chart. We start you out with various health measureme...
Mood Charts If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with bipolarity disorder you may be familiar with mood charts. Simply put, mood charts are a self-tracking tool for monitoring your moods and other important health aspects. Mood charts vary from simple to complex – enabling you track...
微信里的全天候「英语陪聊」 Bobo 和 Juicy 是你手机的 24 小时「专业英语陪聊」小伙伴,零压力聊天,每句都会有记录并可以给出分析与优化建议,这里有聊不完的话题,角色扮演、旅行见闻、新鲜资讯等等,越聊越轻松,口语飞速提升! 「BlaBla 练口语」是一个微信公众服务号,像是你在微信里的好友一样,随时找你聊天,...
The user-friendly interface allows you to view mood reports in daily, weekly, or monthly charts that will help youidentify trends in your moods.By using hashtags in the journaling section to describe feelings, moods, and emotions, users can go back and look for triggers or patterns in their...
iMoodJournal is another less complicated option for mood tracker apps. It does the basics like tracking your mood with graphs and charts to show you the changes over a longer period of time. It uses a much simpler scale to ask if things are good or bad that day. You can elaborate furthe...
If you prefer offline mood tracking, consider printing mood charts, starting a physical journal using a blank notebook, or purchasing a dedicated journal for mood tracking. Keen to stick to digital, portable platforms on your computer and phone? You can create your own spreadsheet or, better ye...
According to the user’s entries and interaction with the application, it generates ready-to-print graphs, charts, reports, and period summaries with a magnificent level of detail. And that’s why it is one of the best apps. 5- MoodTrack Diary | For Younger Users MoodTrack Diary could be...
The software starts to analyze the data and find trends after a few days of journaling. Then, in simple-to-read graphs and charts, users may observe the trends in their mood and sleep over time. Users who want to alter their lifestyles and enhance their general well-being can find this ...
NIMH Charts Strategy for Mood Disorders Research: Expect Funding to Be Tied to Priorities. (Objectives Defined)The National Institute of Mental Health has unveiled a comprehensive blueprint that will guide...Sullivan, Michele G
Visualize your progress with the app's built-in charts and statistics. Gain insights into your achievements over time, see the breakdown of wins by category, and discover your most significant areas of growth. ARCHIVE Need to put some categories away for a while? Archive them to reduce clutter...