详细信息 版本:v5.1.0 更新:2025-02-25 10:54:06 大小:192.24MB 类型:系统工具 安装包名:中国大学mooc 包名:com.netease.edu.ucmooc MD5:be0da755b3b065bf2019f28b69dcd6c4 厂商:杭州网易临界点教育科技有限公司 备案号:浙ICP备2021019571号-8A...
类型:国产软件 教育学习 版本:v1.8.0417 安卓版 大小:71.1M 更新:2024-04-20 18:12 语言:中文 等级: 平台:Android 官网:http://wemooc.sflep.com/ 厂商:上海外教社信息技术有限公司 中文名:WE MOOCwemooc官方版是一款专业的学习外语的手机端慕课平台。拥有很多选择性的课程,根据个人的情况进行选择,各种各样...
path.join(train_human_dir, fname) for fname in train_human_names[pic_index-8:pic_index]] for i, img_path in enumerate(next_horse_pix+next_human_pix): # Set up subplot; subplot indices start at 1 sp = plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, i + 1) sp.axis('Off') # Don't show axes (...
to the acquisition of knowledge and skills in the area of interest of those who sign up. Whatever the promoters’ or students’ decision, they must always consider three principles that seem central to us: (i) Knowledge of the greatest possible number of platforms through the exploration of th...
Additionally, the utilization of the proposed model, which is built upon the traces generated by learners' interactions with MOOC platforms, opens up possibilities for personalized learning path recommendations. By leveraging the identified learning styles of individuals, the model can suggest specific lea...
9 P2PUP2PU | A University for the Web. Built by an open community协作式点对点的mooc学习平台 ...
只要浏览器播放视频时用的是,而且当前页面只有这一个视频,就可以用这个脚本。 这是我很久以前为了倍速看MOOC视频,所以写的一个脚本,一直没有专门写博客去介绍它。刚刚,我想倍速看新闻联播,才发现忘记写博客了。 浏览器视频倍速播放的原理非常容易,我也是看了一下网页源代码才发现的。自从发现...
dayup= dayup*(1+df)returndayup dayfactory= 0.01whiledayUp(dayfactory) <dayup1: dayfactory+= 0.001print("工作日努力的参数是:{:.3f}".format(dayfactory)) 3.3字符串类型及操作 3.3.1字符串类型的表示 1)由0个或多个字符组成的有序字符序列 ...
Moreover, it may be argued that this opening up of education via MOOCs could be a way for Swedish universities to comply with the so-called third mission, which states that, in addition to research and education, universities should engage in public outreach, and the dissemination of knowledge...