📍Montreal Museum of Fine Arts 拥有一百多年历史的蒙特利尔美术馆是加拿大最具影响的美术博物馆之一,同时也是加拿大历史最悠久的美术馆,由5个展馆构成,藏品总数约4.5万件,以14至19世纪的绘画与雕塑作品为主,亦收藏版画、素描、摄影和装饰艺术作品。图2️⃣是毕加索的《拥抱》图8️⃣是出生于魁北克省🇨...
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts presents ᐅᒻ ᒪᖁᑎᒃ uummaqutik: essence of life The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) invites you to experience a breathtaking display of Inuit art as of November 8. Conceived by Inu... Two by Two, Together, at the MMFA – until October 5,...
蒙特利尔美术馆 The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts *点击以缩略图片,查看大图!蒙特利尔美术馆1912年12月开馆的时候,只有路北的一幢,由建筑师Edward和William S. Maxwell设计,是新古典风的建筑,就像一个神殿。 博物馆一直不停的扩建,在1991年扩建到了路南,地下由通道连接,展品自然也是琳琅满目。路南的扩建建筑是...
A7.蒙特利尔城中建有30个博物馆。其中蒙特利尔美术馆(Montréal Museum of Fine Arts)是加拿大历史最悠久的博物馆;加拿大建筑中心(Canadian Centre for Architecture)收藏并陈列着世界一流的建筑作品;奥赛蒙特利尔当代艺术馆(Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal)是加拿大第一个建立的此类博物馆,建筑模式与艺术广场(Pla...
Philippe Parent
This catalogue raisonne describes a little-known but very interesting collection originally assembled by one of the important Canadian collectors of the early 20th century. After an account of the collection's history and a brief discussion of the techniques of ancient glass-making, the catalogue pro...
Articles about the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, one of the largest and most prominent art museums in Canada, featuring a diverse collection of over 43,000 works.
下午逛The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts( 蒙特利尔 美术馆),去的时候碰上的是毕加索的画展,所以有兴趣的朋友,可以先提前网上查好主题哦,如果不是自己喜欢的就可以不用买门票,去看基本馆展出就好了。特殊展览门票是15CAD,用时3小时,因为事先不知道这个美术馆有那么的大,所以刚开始逛得很慢,其实它地底下是打通...
How to get to The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts by Metro By Metro: Take Line 1 to Guy-Concordia Station and take the Guy Street exit. Go right from the exit and then right again at the corner walking northeast along Blvd de Maisonneuve to Bishop Street; then go left to Sherbrooke Street...
The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts is a multidisciplinary institution in the museum and cultural sector, focusing on the exhibition and preservation of fine arts. Use the CB Insights Platform to explore Montreal Museum of Fine Arts's full profile.