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然后我们输入这个命令:conda create -n aligner -c conda-forge montreal-forced-aligner创建一个名为aligner的虚拟环境并且经由conda-forge安装MFA即MFA所需的各种软件,包括Kaldi、scikit-learn和numpy等等。安装中途会让你确认是否继续(Proceed [y/n]?),这时按一下y并且回车就可以开始安装了。 安装完毕以后会出现以...
This example for aligning the LibriSpeech test data set assumes that the Montreal Forced Aligner has been downloaded and works. Set up Download the prepared LibriSpeech dataset (LibriSpeech data set) and extract it somewhere on your computer Download the LibriSpeech lexicon (LibriSpeech lexicon) and ...
cd tools git clone kaldi --origin upstream cd kaldi/tools extras/ make cd ../src ./configure make depend make else echo "Kaldi already installed." fi 0 comments on commit 4ca2ddf Please sign in to comment. Footer...
The Montreal Forced Aligner is a command line utility for performing forced alignment of speech datasets using Kaldi ( Please see the documentation for installation and usage. If you run into any issues, please check the maili...
git clone cd Montreal-Forced-Aligner pip install -r requirements.txt pip install -e ".[dev]" # 安装数据库 # 添加环境变量 export PATH=/usr/lib/postgresql/12/bin:${PATH}
The Montreal Forced Aligner is a command line utility for performing forced alignment of speech datasets using Kaldi ( Please see the documentation for installation and usage. If you run into any issues, please check the maili...
+-- montreal-forced-aligner | --- ... 3.2.指令执行 mfa_align 命令 ./montreal-forced-aligner/bin/mfa_align ./raw_data ./lexicon/lexicon-r.txt ./acoustic_modle/ ./output 命令主要包括: mfa_align 的运行路径 raw_data 数据文件存放路径 lexicon-r.txt 词典路径 声学模型...
简介 Command line utility for forced alignment using Kaldi 暂无标签 MIT 保存更改 发行版 暂无发行版 贡献者(13) 全部 近期动态 接近5年前创建了仓库
Command line utility for forced alignment using Kaldi - Montreal-Forced-Aligner/requirements.txt at main · gan-studio/Montreal-Forced-Aligner