Hockey is like a religion in Canada nowhere else in the country takes it make seriously than Montreal. Bell Centre is home to the NHL’s Montreal Canadiens, one of the most celebrated and historic franchises in the history of sports, where you can cat...
Simplicity at its finest, this team puck for the Canadiens is a solid present and can be used in a verity of ways. In addition to using it as a puck, the budget gift could be a fun paperweight on a desk, a simple display piece on a shelf or a great item to have signed. Montrea...
A“Discotheque” tribute to Canadian music on Canada Day was an impeccably executed medley of Canadian hits featuring back-up dancers, confetti, and glow-sticks — the music included a cameo byLen, who performed his 1999 hit “Steal My Sunshine,”Men Without Hats(“Safety Dance”) and squeaky...