MBS ranked 20th worldwide in the “Economics and Business” category, with an overall score of 74.6. This performance places MBS at the top of the French schools in this ranking. This international recognition reflects the institution’s ongoing work and commitment to producing relevant, high-leve...
QS WUR Ranking By Subject World University Rankings - Masters in Supply Chain Management 27 Available programs World University Rankings - Masters In Marketing 17 Available programs World University Rankings - Masters in Supply Chain Management
蒙彼利埃高等商学院(Montpellier Business School),简称“蒙彼利埃高商”或“MBS”,始建于1897 年,著名的法国大学校(Grande École)商学院之一,是全球少于1%三皇冠认证(EQUIS、AACSB、AMBA)的商学院之一。学校简介 学院依靠一个由遍布全球32个国家的140所外国大学形成的网络,对大量课程实行国际开放。学校的可...