P260261. Italian Listening Comprehension - Getting Help from the Teacher in Italy 01:48 P261262. Learn the Top 25 Must-Know Italian Verbs! 08:27 P262263. Italian Listening Comprehension - Ordering Lunch at a Restaurant in Italy 01:33 P263264. Weekly Italian Words with Ilaria – Health Conc...
P263263. Portuguese Reading for Absolute Beginners - Taking a Taxi from the Station 01:17 P264264. Introduction to Portuguese 07:43 P265265. Introduction to Portuguese Pronunciation 05:29 P266266. Learn the Top 10 Portuguese Phrases You Never Want to Hear 03:59 P267267. Introduction to Portug...
You can see the regular date if you hover over a timestamp, or click here to see all dates on screen. Recent & upcoming dates will use the local time zone for daylight saving (1PM summer time = 1PM winter time). DateEpoch / Unix timestamp Now 1741203060 1 hour ago 2 hours ago...
Four months ahead of the Winter Olympics in February, Beijing's roll-out follows that of other China's provinces that have been offering COVID-19 booster vaccines since September.RELATED STORIES Shanghai rolls out mass production of commercial humanoid robots Video 15:15, 25-Dec-...
Let’s say I got married on September 15, 2021, but the year is still 2021. When my friend asks, “When did you get married?”, I’d simply say, “September 15.” In Chinese, that would be: 九月十五号(jiǔ yuè shí wǔ hào). ...
August –Agosto[a-gos-to] September –Septiembre[sep-tiem-bre] October –Octubre[oc-tu-bre] November –Noviembre[no-viem-bre] December –Diciembre[di-siem-bre] Pronunciation tip!When pronouncing "c" in the names of months, be aware of the difference between Latin American and European Spani...
Year 2020: To help the situation and avoid public risk, back in 2020, the US Department of State increased the 12 months from expiry to 24 months from the expiry of the previous visa for US visa renewals using dropbox or the interview waiver option until March 31, 2021. Year 2021: On...
Today is September 10. For the same reason, you wouldn’t normally ask for the year when asking the date. But if you happened to wake up from a coma and were wondering what year it was, you could ask 现在是几几年 (Xiànzài shì jǐ jǐ nián?), which means “what year is it ...
If this is the first time to sing the song, play it at least twice and let everyone enjoy marching around. Lyrics for “Months march” Ready … March! January (January)February (February)March (March)April (April)May (May)June (June)July (July)August (August)September (September)October...
Paulson told the Financial Times inSeptemberthat it was “not so easy” for him to unwind his significant holdings but was still considered a potential pick for Treasury secretary. In April, he hosted afundraiserat his Palm Beach home, which the Trump campaign said raised more than $50mn. ...