27 (Xinhua) -- Heavy rains have claimed 19 lives and affected more than 76,000 families in Bolivia since the rainy season began in November 2024, said an official on Monday. Fourteen municipalities have declared disaster, and 62 municipalities have been hit by heavy rainfall across eight ...
Helped by solid export, the number of jobs among manufacturers soared by 132,000 in the month, marking the highest gain in over six years since November 2015. The number of jobs lost in the wholesale and retail, and the lodging and eatery sectors stood at 11,000 and 27,000 respectively ...
2.Unfortunately,ittookthe explorers and the settlerswho followedonly a few decades 形式主语 谓语 间接宾语 直接宾语 to decimate a large part of these resources.【来自2021年新高考I卷】 真正的主语 3.Under this Act,all waterfowl(水禽)hunters16 years of age and overmustannuallypurchase and carrya ...
Egypt, a popular tourist destination famous for the Pyramids, has been making huge efforts to revive its tourism industry hit hard by terror attacks and political turbulences in the past years, by promoting tourism in new markets such as China....
Among them, the imports of financial services, intellectual property rights, telecommunications computers and information services grew by more than 20%, accounting for 47.1%, 23.3% and 23.2% respectively. It was the first time in eight years China has seen a decrease in service trade deficit in...
Since December the government has made a series of moves to cool the market, including reimposing a sales tax on homes sold within five years of their purchase from this year and increasing the down payment requirement for land purchases to at least 50 percent of the total price. ...
SEOUL, April 28 (Xinhua) -- South Korea's industrial production in March posted the fastest growth in four months, with the facility investment showing the highest expansion in almost three and a half years, a government report showed on Friday. Output in all industries gained 1.2 percent in...
Since her arrest, it has emerged that Sakai had been taking drugs for at least the past two years. Her husband has also claimed that Sakai is a drug addict. The case has been the subject of intense media scrutiny in Japan, where the star's squeaky clean image helped her maintain a fan...
The accelerated growth in industrial profits came as market demand continued to improve and major industrial firms had seen improved operations since the beginning of this year, said senior NBS statistician Zhu Hong. In April alone, the profits of major industrial firms increased 57 percent year on...