In this analysis, the Delta grids produced using the W&M time-series dataset perform better than grids produced using GPCC or CRU. Using Oregon, USA as a test region, the Delta downscaled datasets are compared to the Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM) datasets....
69,70,71. Both the downscaled CHELSA as well as the CHIRPS dataset have such biases that effect mainly high elevation and high latitude regions63. The high temperature differences between CRU and CHELSACMIP5ts might come partly from the low data density in regions such as Amazonia, ...
This section describes the methods used to assemble the dataset, achieving both goals of combining records into a longer historical time series when appropriate and eliminating duplicates. Here we define a “record” as a station time series from one of the five data sources described in the prev...
simplifying the often complex and time-consuming process of client portfolio transitions. With this tool, users can effortlessly compare current and target portfolios side-by-side, tailoring the transition process to minimize their clients’ tax liability while aligning with their preferred portfolio alloc...
Since the 2017 dataset contains only 1 year of data, taking the March-May sum is exactly the same as if we had added those monthly grids together manually: % Compare monthly solution to manually adding things up:isequal(MAM_sum, tp(:,:,3)+tp(:,:,4)+tp(:,:,...
X = series.values X = X.astype('float32') train_size = int(len(X) * 0.50) train, test = X[0:train_size], X[train_size:] Next, we can iterate over the time steps in the test dataset. The train dataset is stored in a Python list as we need to easily append a new observa...
Brohan P, Kennedy JJ, Haris I, Tett SFB, Jones PD (2006) Uncertainty estimates in regional and global observed temperature changes: a new dataset from 1850. J Geophys Res 111:D12106. doi:10.1029/2005JD006548 CrossRef Burri M, Rutishauser T (2008) Pflanzenphänologische Beobachtungen—Da...
The LDCmgm90 dataset is provided in the netcdf 4.0 format and can be accessed via figshare60, which contains five subsets GAA, GAB, GAC, GAD and GSM, all in the form of Stokes coefficients complete from degree and order 2 to 90. ...
(DSC) approach.Although the development of the framework was based on the characterization of the variation patterns of a global dataset,the methodology could be applied to any monthly absolute temperature record.Deterministic processes were used to characterize the variation patterns of the global ...
•TigerGraphtogether with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and AMD set a new standard for graph database performance at scale, completing the world's largest LDBC SNB BI benchmark on a 36TB dataset. •Hesai Technologyformed partnership with SAIC's Rising Auto. The new model of Rising Auto will...