Check out Nicosia weather averages by month. Compare detailed monthly climate statistics including temperature, rainfall and sunshine figures.Temperature Rainfall Sunshine & daylight UV levels & humidityTemperature in Nicosia (°C)JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec...
May in Barcelona is very sunny and mild. The average temperature is around 18°C, but it can reach 22°C during the day and 15°C at night. Rainfall is rare, and humidity is quite low. This is the beginning of the warm season, with long sunny days and pleasant evenings. ...
Anomalously warm and cold months in the Mediterranean basin were identified during the period 1860–1990 from observations at five stations located along the west–east axis of the Mediterranean basin (Barcelona, Florence, Malta, Athens and Jerusalem), supplemented by data from Madrid and Lisbon....
global warming; temperature; mental health; major depressive disorder; bipolar disorder; schizophrenia1. Introduction In recent years, the global climate has faced drastic changes, partly induced by human activities. New peaks of global temperature have been reached in recent years, and scientists ...
The photoluminescence properties of the nanostructured and bulk crystalline of the complex in the solid-state were investigated in detail at room temperature. The results indicate that the size of the complex particles has a remarkable effect on the optical properties of it. The nanoscale neodymium(...
Check out Europe weather averages by month. Compare detailed monthly climate statistics including temperature, rainfall and sunshine figures.Where's hot in Europe?Below are average maximum temperatures at popular countries, regions and places in Europe for next month - February. Select a destination ...
Finally, monthly mean charts of standardized anomaly and mean sea-level pressure charts are constructed for each principal component in each season, and are used to interpret the spatial distribution of the positive and negative temperature anomalies in terms of mean circulation over the domain. ...