These are people who, almost by definition, can’t use their purchasing power to fix an out-of-control health care market, because they rapidly spend down their deductibles on necessary care, leaving the bulk of the cost to be paid by insurance. These folks have plenty of skin in the ...
My total adjusted balance is $10,560, which is a $44 drop over the last 3.5 months.Even with the increase in idle cash, my total balances should still be inching up, not down. It appears that an increasing number of late and defaulting loans are starting to catch up to me. My idle...
while its members often spend quite literallyhoursdebating if a certain procedure takes three minutes or just two, the RUC never so much as flicks at the question of how much—or even whether—a procedure actually benefits patients. This failure, which is part of a broader flaw in federal he...
At that point, emergency Medicaid might pick up part of the tab. But the bill can be much heftier by then. If patients are sick enough to need a hospital bed, their care averages nearly $14,000 per visit versus about $1,000 for emergency dialysis administered on an outpatient basis, ...
Though they’ve been lucky to have their Medicaid coverage extended beyond the typical eight months for refugees, it will end next summer; the cirrhosis will be with him for his whole life. The hope to return to Syria—to Quneitra, if not to the house in the Damascus suburbs which was ...
But even with a new Medicaid policy, there will still be companies that allow their homes to consistently fall below the state’s standards and jeopardize the health of residents. If the DHS really wants to get their attention, then it has to get tougher, and this means shutting down more...
Spreading the Stanford model will depend in part on the Trump administration and Congress. The Affordable Care Act created the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation, which supports new models of care delivery. But Tom Price, the new health and human services secretary, has made no secret of...