Do you need to develop additional features for your product? Find out more about our cost-effective monthly retainer contract. Get a quote.
a7.2 The terms and fees and expenses payable to you pursuant to the Professional Services Contract shall be mutually agreed and set forth in such document. However, you have advised us that your standard professional services fee (monthly “Retainer”) is Swiss Francs fifteen thousand (CHF 15’...
owners can reach out to the board directly. If it’s still unresolved, we will outline to the residents how to change the board. We tell them to run for the board. If you don’t like the board
1)The general contractor is obligated to pay the subcontractor, even though the owner has been slow or late in paying him. Many a general contractor has tried to claim that he is not liable for paying his subcontractors until he himself has been paid by his client, but that is not a le...