Data were obtained from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) from 136 high-quality weather stations. To reduce spatial complexity, climate regionalization was used to divide the stations in homogenous sub-regions based on similarity of rainfall patterns and intensity using principal component ...
BoM (2008) Special Climate Statement 16: Long-term rainfall deficiencies continue in southern Australia while wet conditions dominate the north. Available from Australian bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, p 9 Braganza K, Karoly...
as well as a higher correlation compared to the original CMIP5 model data equally well for both rcps (Fig.2). There is no significant difference in the correlation coefficient between the original and the downscaled data (Fig.S1). For both rcp’s, predicted values from CHELSACMIP5ts are c...
ArtificialNeuralNetwork DroughtpredictioninAustralia Data-drivenmodel StandardizedPrecipitationand EvapotranspirationIndex(SPEI) Theforecastingofdroughtbasedoncumulativeinfluenceofrainfall,temperatureandevaporationisgreatly beneficialformitigatingadverseconsequencesonwater-sensitivesectorssuchasagriculture,ecosystems,wild-...
545 km2in tropical and sub-tropical southern Africa (Zambia, Angola, Namibia and Botswana) (Figure 1). Mean annual precipitation (MAP) ranges from under 400 mm to 1,400 mm·yr−1and is strongly correlated with latitude and elevation, with the highest rainfall in the mountainous north (...
Modelling of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall Using a Four-parameter Kappa Distribution. Int. J. Climatol. 1999, 19, 1389–1398. [CrossRef] 35. Smakhtin, V.U. Estimating daily flow duration curves from monthly streamflow data. Water SA 2000, 26, 13–18. 36. Sugiyama, H.; Vudhivanich, ...