By adding up all income, you can start the gross income calculation process. This basic addition isn't all that you must do, however; you can still take deductions from this income prior to reporting it as your "gross income" for Medicaid eligibility purposes. Deductions The specific deduction...
The MDCH uses federal poverty levels as a basis for monthly income limits when determining an applicant's Medicaid eligibility. The current monthly income limits for Medicaid in Michigan is 185 percent of the federal poverty level for pregnant women and families with newborns up to age one. For ...
In the past year, we have seen some states loosen the financial criteria for qualifying for Medicaid. For example, in July, California will allow an individual with $130,000 to qualify for Medi-Cal benefits, when that limit was previously $2,000. There is a plan to phase out the asset ...
The Lifeline Program is a federal program that provides a monthly discount on local home telephone or home broadband service to eligible households. To qualify for the Lifeline discount, you must receive benefits under one of the following programs: Food Stamps Medicaid Social Security Income (SSI...
Nursing homes are not easy to operate. Nearly three quarters of Texas’ nursing home patients have an income low enough to qualify for Medicaid reimbursements, which are hardly generous. As a result, the homes can only afford to hire minimum-wage workers. The question about THE is whether Ker...