treatment: 54eye: 54battle: 54sugar: 54geneva: 54n: 54function: 54lovely: 54standing: 53pan: 53helge: 53info: 53frankly: 53lie: 53absolutely: 53tax: 53altitude: 53hmm: 53propane: 53target: 53requires: 53concept: 53hasn't: 53st: 53copy: 53mouth: 53art: 53shooting: 53likes: 53ev...
FLEA ACROSS FLORIDA— Trinkets, treasures and useful goods will be for sale by the box load during Florida’s largest yard sale. More than 50 shops and communities are signed up to participate in the event, which stretches along Highway 90 in the northern part of the state. Where: Live...
A worm is the only animal that can’t fall down. Never sign nothing by neon. Just because a chicken has wings don’t mean it can fly. Keep your saddle oiled and your gun greased. You can’t get lard unless you boil the hog. ...