Then you get that horrible late fee, or maybe even have to pay more in interest. If you’ve ever wondered how to keep track of your bills every month, here’s the solution! I created the Monthly Bill Tracker, which is a free printable monthly bill payment log to keep track of what’...
Billshark negotiates all of the bills you send in. You get notified if Billshark was successful. If they are, they take 40% of the savings.Ex.Billshark saved me $290 over the course of 6 months, so I pay them $116. I can do this in a monthly payment plan or all at once...
Bill Le Sage, CEO of OFS Portal added, “This agreement provides an avenue for improved productivity and further cost savings in the sourcing, ordering and fulfillment of products and services between Unocal and our members. Bringing together key buyer and supplier organizations in the upstream oil...