Hasbro has made many Agen Kolar figures, and several of them are basically inaccurate. Like this one! Go to Figure of the Day for the next update, with the latest installment in our ongoing series! --AP Mega Man 10 for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade Released, Big Xbox 360 owners, it's ...
In the lap of the gods March 29, 2019 Q: In preparing for a trip to Greece, I’ve done a lot of reading about the Greek gods. That got me thinking about the expression “It’s in the lap of the gods.” Why “lap,” not “laps”? Wouldn’t the plural be correct, grammatical...
But the real achievement in uniqueness is Japan Crate’s development of exclusive characters and merch. Beginning in March, Doki Doki Crate included stickers from their in-house artist. They followed this up with the Petite Lapin plush in May. This is important because inclusion of unique items ...
On a clear day, this always locates the sun, but occasionally, when the sun is totally obscured by broken clouds, the brightest point in the picture is actually sunlight reflected off of a nearby cloud. This can be observed in a time lapse video clip in which for a few frames the sun...