National Literature Month is celebrated annually in April in the Philippines. It is organized by the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (N.C.C.A.) to recognize the works of esteemed writers and scholars of Philippine literature. It also promotes the history and cultural legacy of Phi...
Cardinal Santos Medical Centre, Manila, Philippines Ivan O’Neill C. Tecson Hesed Eye Specialists, Singapore, Singapore Owen Kim Hee Contributions BCHA: study conception and design; surgery; monitoring of study; data collection; data analysis and interpretation; preparation of draft manuscript, tables...
On 9 April, the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), in collaboration with Henan Provincial Government, the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) and the Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia, co-ho...
#中国—东盟中心简讯# 【ASEAN-China Month of People-to-people Exchanges Opens in Henan “中国—东盟人文交流月”活动在河南开幕】 On 9 April, the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), in collaboration with Henan Pro...
Philippines to buy luxury cars and luxury goods, as well as pay monthly rent and deposits for high-end properties. These funds were also fully or partially obtained by Su Wenqiang through the illegal online gambling business in the Philippines, and the target of this business was mainly Chinese...
People came up with cool ideas and made videos that felt like they belonged in one of Wes Anderson’s movies.For example, here’s how a Wes Anderson film would look like it if were set in the Philippines.How to jump on the TikTok trend: Create Wes Anderson-inspired scenes that ...
One downside to the Philippines is that the cuisine isn’t as diverse as some of its South Asian neighbors, and the internet isn’t the greatest. But it’s one of the most affordable places to live, the people here are extremely friendly, and if you’re into scuba, it boasts some of...
This year the Coffee Break will spread to all Starbucks stores in the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia and, best of all, China.Shanghai BookCrossingBring books you want to exchange, take away your next fab read. Books are mostly of English...
This paper investigates the Yellow Vests movement and the extent it constitutes an original platform for resistance to a sustainability transition agenda i
Back then in the Philippines, it didn’t exactly mean “same old, same old,” but it did refer to sameness. We came across this information in an 1862 reference book, A Dictionary of English Etymology, by Hensleigh Wedgwood, with notes by George P. Marsh. In a bracketed note,...