圖表層級指令碼 Qlik Sense 中不支援的 QlikView 函數與陳述式 不建議在 Qlik Sense 中使用的函數和陳述式 探索 共同作業 協助開發人員 Qlik Sense 的教學課程 指南 在此頁面 跳到主要內容 範例1 – DateFormat 資料集 (指令碼) 範例2 – ANSI 日期 (指令碼) 範例3 – 未格式化的...
Brand new to Power BI (my skills are in Qlik Sense, but our company is moving away from it). I am trying to create a measure for current month sales. I've done quite a bit of research but can't seem to get it to work. I believe it is because the way the date field is for...
$(vDateMin) + RowNo() - 1 AS DateNumber, Date($(vDateMin) + RowNo() - 1) AS TempDate AUTOGENERATE 1 WHILE $(vDateMin)+IterNo()-1<= $(vDateMax); MasterCalendar: LOAD TempDate AS master_date, Day(TempDate) AS CalendarDay, WeekDay(TempDate) AS CalendarWeekDay, Week(TempDate...
Can you please provide a number of scenarios with different slicer settings indicating what answer you expect. I think if you can clarify this, it will be easier to give you an answer * Matt is an 8 times Microsoft MVP (Power BI) and author of the Power BI Book Supercharge Power BI....
Qlik Replicate Qlik Compose Qlik Enterprise Manager Qlik Gold Client Qlik Catalog NodeGraph (legacy) 首頁 安裝和升級 資料整合 管理和執行 資料品質和控管 應用程式和 API 整合 其他文件 文件封存 尋找Talend 產品的說明 引導 分析使用者入門 在Qlik Sense 中開始使用分析 管理Qlik Cloud 分...
Can you please provide a number of scenarios with different slicer settings indicating what answer you expect. I think if you can clarify this, it will be easier to give you an answer * Matt is an 8 times Microsoft MVP (Power BI) and author of the Power BI Book Supercharge ...
在Qlik Sense 中,布林值 true 值以 -1 代表,而 false 值以 0 代表。 引數 引數描述 時間戳記 您要與 base_date 比較的日期。 base_date 用來評估月份的日期。注意,base_date 可以是月份內的任何日子,這很重要。 period_no 月份可以使用 period_no 位移。period_no 是一個整數,其中值...
Qlik Sense 顯示的語言將與您正在使用的瀏覽器相同。 函數範例 範例結果 inmonthtodate ('01/25/2013', '25/01/2013', 0) 傳回True inmonthtodate ('01/25/2013', '24/01/2013', 0) 傳回False inmonthtodate ('01/25/2013', '28/02/2013', -1) 傳回True 範例1 ...
Current Moth # Assets: Should represent the number of assets on MaxMonth (6).My problem is that my measure actually is counting the # of Assets on MaxMonth but for each Location, i.e. At logistics it counts the May Assets (because MaxMonth for Logistics at Fact table = 5) ....
Current Moth # Assets: Should represent the number of assets on MaxMonth (6).My problem is that my measure actually is counting the # of Assets on MaxMonth but for each Location, i.e. At logistics it counts the May Assets (because MaxMonth for Logistics at Fact table = 5) ....