Now, when I use the MONTH function to fetch the month name from this date, it correctly identifies this as January and gives me the month number as 1. For this to work correctly, you need to ensure that your month name is in a format that Excel can recognize as a date, such as Ja...
Convert month name to number in Excel This section covers three methods to convert month names to numbers: using a formula, using Kutools for Excel, and using VBA code. Each method is tailored to cater to different user preferences and technical capabilities, ensuring flexibility and ease of ...
Method 2 – Applying Excel TEXT Function to Convert Month to Number Step 1: Select the dates and press Ctrl+1. A new window named “Format Cells” will pop up. Select Custom and enter “mmmm” in the “Type” section. Click OK. Only the month’s name will be displayed. We will con...
In Excel, you can convert a month name, like, “March” into “3” and “October” into “10,” using multiple formulas. To convert a month’s name into the month’s number, you need to create a date with that month’s name using a DATEVALUE function and then use the MONTH functio...
If your month name is stored as text then you can use this formula containingMONTHandDATEVALUEto calculate the month number: =MONTH(DATEVALUE(B3&"1")) Convert Month Name to Number in Google Sheets All of the above examples work exactly the same in Google Sheets as in Excel. ...
Where A2 in a cell containing the month name you want to turn into a number (&"1" is added for the DATEVALUE function to understand it's a date). How to get the last day of month in Excel (EOMONTH function) The EOMONTH function in Excel is used to return the last day of the mo...
Microsoft Excel月函數從日期中提取月份,並顯示為1到12之間的整數(1表示12月,XNUMX表示XNUMX月)。 MONTH函數的語法 =MONTH (serial_number) 語法參數 序列號應該是您將從中提取月份的有效日期。 1)直接引用包含日期的單元格:=MONTH(B3). 2)直接輸入日期,因為文本字符串應用引號引起來:=MONTH("23-Aug-2012")...
Get End of the Month Date in Excel Get First Day of the Month in Excel (Beginning of the Month) Get Month from a Date in Excel (Extract) Get Quarter from a Date [Fiscal + Calendar] in Excel Number of Months Between Two Dates in Excel Convert Month Name to NumberLeave...
FREE EXCEL TIPS EBOOK - Click here to get your copy Excel allows you to format dates in many different ways. You can choose to show the date in a short date format or in a long date format.You can also only show the day number, the month name, or the year from a given date....
How to Calculate First Day of Previous Month in Excel How to Get First Day of Month from Month Name in Excel How to Convert Month to Number in Excel Convert 3 Letter Month to Number in Excel Excel VBA: First Day of Month How to Get the Last Day of Month Using VBA in Excel ...