Microsoft Excel月函數從日期中提取月份,並顯示為1到12之間的整數(1表示12月,XNUMX表示XNUMX月)。 MONTH函數的語法 =MONTH (serial_number) 語法參數 序列號應該是您將從中提取月份的有效日期。 1)直接引用包含日期的單元格:=MONTH(B3). 2)直接輸入日期,因為文本字符串應用引號引起來:=MONTH("23-Aug-2012")...
In Excel, there are both formulas can get month from given week number and year. Click the cell that you want to get month and type this formula =CHOOSE(MONTH(DATE(A2,1,B2*7-2)-WEEKDAY(DATE(B2,1,3))),"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "Augu...
As I said, it helps you find the month’s number from its name. You enter a month name into cell A1, like “March.” Excel then looks through a predefined list where each month’s name is looked up with its number. It finds “March” and returns “3,” the number for March. =V...
If you need to convert the month name into the corresponding number often in the same workbook, it would be more efficient to create a table with the month name in one column and the number in another column and then use VLOOKUP to fetch the value. Below, I have month names in column ...
Get month number from date in Excel Get the last day of month (EOMONTH function) Excel MONTH function - syntax and uses Microsoft Excel provides a special MONTH function to extract a month from date, which returns the month number ranging from 1 (January) to 12 (December). ...
The formula isMONTH(Cell Number) logo The monthly formula in Excel is a very useful tool. It can help you calculate a variety of financial data and to do that accurately and quickly It is quite useful when you want to change a number of your dates into the month format f...
year函数 year函数的核心任务是提取日期中的年份,范围限于1900至9999。公式为 YEAR(serial number),其中serial number是日期的数字形式。在D23单元格,输入 =YEAR(D22),Excel会返回D22单元格日期的年份,但更便捷的是直接用Today函数替换,确保获取的是当前年份。年龄与工龄计算 计算年龄和工龄时,只...
Theserial_numberis the date from which you want to extract the month and must be a valid Excel date. How to Use Excel to Get a Month From a Date When your Excel worksheet contains a column of dates that are in a date format that Excel recognizes, use the MONTH function to extract th...
Use VBA code to convert month name to number in Excel 1. Hold ALT button and press F11 on the keyboard to open a Microsoft Visual Basic for Application window. 2. Click Insert > Module, and copy the VBA into the module. VBA code: Convert month name to number ...