MONTH is equivalent to DATEPART(mm,date). Always enclosedatetimevalues in quotation marks. For earlier dates, store dates as character data. The Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database Engine recognizes a variety of date styles. For more information about date and time data, seeCAST and CONVERT (Tra...
select day(createtime) from life_unite_product --取时间字段的天值 select month(createtime) from life_unite_product --取时间字段的月值 select year(createtime) from life_unite_product --取时间字段的年值 select datepart(yy,createtime) from life_unite_product --取时间字段的年值 select datepart(...
如需所有 Transact-SQL 日期和時間資料類型與函式的概觀,請參閱日期和時間資料類型與函式 (Transact-SQL)。Transact-SQL 語法慣例語法syntaxsql 複製 MONTH ( date ) 引數date 這是可解析成 time、date、smalldatetime、datetime、datetime2 或datetimeoffset 值的運算式。 date 引數可以是運算式、資料行運算式、...
select dateadd(dd,1,createtime) from life_unite_product ---取时间字段(日被加1了) select DATEDIFF(yy,createtime,getdate()) from life_unite_product --与当前日期的年份差 select DATEDIFF(mm,createtime,getdate()) from life_unite_product --与当前日期的月份差 select DATEDIFF(dd,createtime,getd...
DATETIME (報表產生器 1.0) DAY (報表產生器 1.0) DAYOFWEEK (報表產生器 1.0) DAYOFYEAR (報表產生器 1.0) DATEONLY (報表產生器 1.0) HOUR (報表產生器 1.0) MINUTE (報表產生器 1.0) MONTH (報表產生器 1.0) NOW (報表產生器 1.0) QUARTER (報表產生器 1.0) SECOND (報表產生器 1.0) TIMEONLY (報表...
Transact-SQL 語法慣例 語法 MONTH ( date ) 引數 date 這是可解析成 time、date、smalldatetime、datetime、datetime2 或 datetimeoffset 值的運算式。date 引數可以是運算式、資料行運算式、使用者自訂變數或字串常值。 傳回類型 int 傳回值 MONTH 會與DATEPART(month, date) 傳回相同的值。
此命令需要与SQL语句一起提交。 set odps.sql.type.system.odps2=true; select date1, month(date1) as date1_month, datetime1, month(datetime1) as datetime1_month, timestamp1, month(timestamp1) as timestamp1_month, date3, month(date3) as date3_month from mf_date_fun_t;...
SQL Copy -- Uses AdventureWorks SELECT TOP 1 MONTH('2007-04-30T01:01:01.1234') FROM dbo.DimCustomer; The following example returns 1900, 1, 1. The argument for date is the number 0. SQL Server interprets 0 as January 1, 1900.SQL Copy ...
Transact-SQL syntax conventionsSyntaxsyntaxsql Kopiuj MONTH ( date ) Uwaga To view Transact-SQL syntax for SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and earlier versions, see Previous versions documentation.Argumentsdate Is an expression that can be resolved to a time, date, smalldatetime, datetime, datetime2, ...
Transact-SQL syntax conventions Syntax syntaxsql MONTH( date ) Arguments date Is an expression that can be resolved to atime,date,smalldatetime,datetime,datetime2, ordatetimeoffsetvalue. Thedateargument can be an expression, column expression, user-defined variable, or string literal. ...